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E link Programme track output

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I have recently turned on my PC withe Railmaster Pro connected to an E link and then the track. I am needing to programme an accessory decoder R8247, and so need to connect it to the programme track outputs. When I do this I cannot read the decoder. I have concluded that there is no signal from the programme track outlets on the e link to the decodrr. I cannot measure any signal though the output sockets for the programme track. I get c 16v ac from the normal track out put. The normal track is turned off when using the programme track but there is no current at all detectable. Any ideas please?



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I cannot measure any signal though the output sockets for the programme track.


That is completely normal. There is no measurable output on Hornby 'PROG A&B' output terminals.


The output is only present at the instant that the actual programming data is being sent, and even then at a very low output power and these pulses of programming data are very brief. Normal test meters are not fast enough to detect these pulses of programming data. You would need to use an Oscilloscope to see the output.


You haven't explained why you need to programme the R8247. If it has lost its configuration after a 'short circuit' then it is likely that the internal circuit has at the very least been corrupted and at the worst been permanently damaged.


The R8247 is very weak in terms of its ability to reject 'high voltage ringing' generated by transient DCC short circuits on the track layout. There are many posts discussing this R8247 weakness.


You can try performing a 'factory reset' of the R8247, this may recover the R8247 back to an operable and programmable state, but in my experience, once the R8247 has been corrupted by a 'short circuit' it becomes sufficiently weakened such that it becomes prone to happening again at the slightest provocation. I ended up replacing my R8247 that was affected by this. For the future, you can protect your R8247s from transient short circuits by fitting a 'snubber' to your DCC power wires near where they attach to your R8247 track connection.


IIRC, RailMasterPro has a R8247 'factory reset' button on the Accessory Decoder configuration page. The R8247 needs to be physically connected in isolation to the 'PROG A&B' terminals during this task.


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