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RM Function buttons problem

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I have a problem with the function buttons on Railmaster. Only SOMETIMES they dont work, or some do and some dont. The TTS functions are affected the most. I have reinstalled RM but the problem still remains. They change colour as if they have been pressed but nothing happens.  All functions on my Elite work perfectly.


Any reccommendations?



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Historically there was a period where RM Function buttons regularly got out of sync with Elite and there were lots of posts on this. But this is the first time that RM Function button issues have surfaced again in a long time.


Just to re-iterate......it is pointless re-installing RM to fix basic operation issues.....re-installation of RM very rarely provides any solution. Reinstallation depending upon the method used may even makes things worse.


Are you by chance using both the Elite controller buttons to operate functions at the same time as using the soft buttons on the RM screen within the same operating play session. If you are, then this is the quickest way to get the functions out of synchronisation and cause function operation issues. Either use the RM soft buttons OR use the Elite hard physical buttons, but do not use both together in the same operation play session.


The most robust way (but not necessarily the quickest way) to get everything working again is to get RM to display all the functions as inactive by pressing the active ones till they show dimmed out. Then use the Elite buttons to make all the functions inactive (i.e the black function bars along the bottom of the Elite LCD display not showing bold). Remember to check for bold black bars on ALL the function screens, as there are more than one function screen. Then power everything down (including the Elite and track) and reboot RM and the Elite.


You should then (in theory) find RM functions will be operable again as long as you do not use the Elite physical function buttons again at the same time.


Also, what firmware version is your Elite. I have a vague recollection that one of the later firmware versions tried to address this issue by making improvements to feedback Elite function states to RM, which the earlier versions did not.


In your 'railmaster.ini' file ensure that this line is present:


Elite feedback=1


I don't have any TTS decoders (all mine are ESU Loksound) and given the number of TTS issues raised on this forum, your issue might possibly be just another weakness in the TTS products.


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This can happen if a function command from RM to the Elite doesn't reach the Elite, due to a dodgy USB port/cable for example. You could try using a different USB port in your pc, remembering to change the COMx setting in RM. Make sure that the correct baud rate is set for the Elite (19200).


This reflects one of the desirable features I asked for - a new INI file setting "Double Function=" which would cause RM to send out each function to the controller twice, in the same way that "Double Pulse=" allows commands to points decoders to be sent twice.



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Rays suggestion went even further in that he wanted an ON command and an OFF command rather than the toggle current state command as is. At present all you are doing is saying press that button again, not switch this on or off.

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Reading your recommendations I am thinking that this could quite easily be a cable issue. I am using a 3 meter USB cable, and not a very expensive one at that. I hardly ever use the Elite for function buttons but I will go through what Crissaf said and see if that works. Failing that I will order a decent USB cable! It's as though the signals from Railmaster are not reaching my Elite properly.


I hope it's that simple to sort. Thanks again.

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