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System Failing

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I have a Windows 7 PC have connected ELink and have had a number of trains running successfully, then it all stops and I cannot get it restarted, I have deleted programme from PC and reloaded, have had system running for a short while with 1 train but then it just stops again.

Layout is only partially built, so I am in the process of laying track, ballasting etc

any suggestions would be gratefully recieved

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Your first mistake is unloading RM and reloading it again. There is absolutely no reason to do this, even for updates. Download the very latest version from the link at the top of the page and load it OVER your existing installation.


You say “It stops and I cannot get it started again”

What stops? - a loco, the program or what. What exactly step by step were you doing when “it” stopped. Is there any associated on screen dialogue. Which power supply unit are you using with your eLink.


We need as much information as possible in order to help you. 

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Sounds to me as if the system is shutting down due to a 'short circuit' and you have not got your system configured correctly to display the short circuit reset button (a little red oblong in the 'Stop Button ... see image below). After the cause of the short is removed, you click this little red button to reset everything. Of course, it may be that the little red oblong button is visible to you, but you have been unaware of its function. This is one feature of RailMaster that is not documented in the manual.




If you don't see this little red button appear and you get a 'short circuit'. Then review this previous thread.



As Rob says above. You should never ever have to uninstall and reinstall RailMaster......to do so can cause more issues than it solves. Nearly all issues you experience can be fixed by tweaking configurable settings. The skill is knowing what settings to tweak.....this is where this forum comes into play, to tell you.....provided you ask the right questions and give an accurate descriptive detail of the issue in the first place, then we can usually give advice on how to correct it.


TIP: If you intend to write a reply, it would be appreciated if you didn't use the 'White Arrow in Blue Box' button. This is not a 'Reply to this post button. It is best to write any reply you want to make in the 'Reply Text Box' at the very bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write, may be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum.



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Hi thanks for the replies

System had been running well for a couple of weeks, two completed loops joined by points witha third loop incompleted also joined by points

the other morning I started RM, 2 locos were on the system, I started the first loco it moved about 50cm and stopped

There were no dialogue boxes on the PC screen.

I shut system down several times and restarted and on each occasion RM would not see the controller, I went through all the unplugging as prompted but no good

The device  manager screen matches drop down settings screen, which shows controller A as inactive

I have overwritten programme from powerpos and updated the short circuit prompt as suggested but still RM will not see the controller,

When I start up RM the light on controller goes out then comes back on when programme is ready

I have reloaded drivers but this also did not work

Thnaks in advance

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Follow my full guidance regarding eLink controller communication in this post - scroll down past my Elite post in the thread linked below to find the eLink addendum.




Your revised issue description indicates that the "Reset eLink on start" line in the .INI file might need amending. See the thread linked above.


Also, post the current contents of your 'railmaster.ini' file for review.

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