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DCC Short Circuit help

Guest Chrissaf

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Hi. I have just turned on my DCC railway for the first time and I have short circuited Over the point  My track gauge is telling me I have DC power but not DCC how do I fix this pleaseeeee 

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What brand and model is your DCC Controller. Your statement "My track gauge is telling me I have DC power but not DCC" is not a message that Hornby controllers display.


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Disconnect your track from your controller. Does the controller error message clear after the controller is power cycled (switched off and then back on)?

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If your ‘track gauge’ is one of those led things you place on the rails it will show red one way or green the other way on DC, but a rough shade of orange on DCC. Turn the gauge round, does it definitely go from red to green or vice versa. It may be the orange is not cery well balanced and just looks red.

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