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hi all.

has any one had problems with there r8247

the problems im having is on one of my r8247 is when i connect points to the no:2 output

1,3,4, output stop working, disconnect no:2 and 1,3,4, start working again.

the other problem i have on my other r8247 is no:4 output switches one way but not the other.

does any one have repair knowledge on these.

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The number 4 port might be damaged or it may be mis-wired. Crossed solenoid wires can cause a point motor to only function in one direction only. See this previous explanation thread.



However, given the port 4 is not your only issue, it may be that you have a more seriously damaged R8247.


The number 2 port could possibly have a 'short circuit' output MOSFET semiconductor. Such that connecting a Solenoid Coil to port 2 causes the inbuilt CDU capacitors to immediately discharge and prevent any re-charge. This will have the effect of disabling the other ports on the R8247.


If Rob's suggestion of using your Elite (Elite from your posting history) to write 8 to CV8 to reset the R8247 doesn't work. Then it does look like the R8247 is fatally damaged.


Has the R8247 been exposed to any transient short circuits on the layout. For example a loco running against a point set the wrong way. Transient 'short circuits' on DCC tracks create very high ringing (oscillation) voltages up to 3 times the baseline track voltage [baseline is 28.8 volts peak to peak]. I know from my own personal experience that the Hornby R8247 is prone to damage by these short circuit induced ringing voltages.


The R8247 can be protected from damage by fitting a 'snubber'. But you do need fully working R8247s to start with. A 'snubber' will not restore a R8247 that is already damaged.


See this previous thread.


Fitting a ‘snubber’ to protect a R8247



Since fitting my own 'snubber' I have not had a single corrupted or damaged decoder issue.



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