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Paint work

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I've been looking on the airfix shop mainly at tanks and German ww2 planes a fair few seem to have the paint work list of paints missing its putting me off paying 35 pounds for a tool that I have to receive then order paints from various places as we all are well aware you can never source all from one place it may take 3/4 online suppliers to get the paint for one kit is there anywhere I could research the paint before the tool arrived to save what can be weeks 

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If you're particularly interested in building Luftwaffe aircraft, it may be an idea to get all of Humbrol's RLM paints:

Humbrol Acrylic AB0240 RLM02 Matt Grau

Humbrol Acrylic AB0241 RLM70 Schwartzgrun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0242 RLM71 Dunkelgrun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0243 RLM72 Matt Grun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0245 RLM74 Matt Graugrun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0246 RLM75 Grauviolett

Humbrol Acrylic AB0247 RLM76 Lichtblau

Humbrol Acrylic AB0248 RLM78 Himmelblau

Humbrol Acrylic AB0249 RLM79 Sandgelb

Humbrol Acrylic AB0251 RLM81 Dunkelbraun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0252 RLM82 Olivgrun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0253 RLM83 Dunkelgrun

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As with all paints, the more models you build, the more paints you need. But you also find that you accumulate a great variety of paints too. I must have well over 200 different paints, and I always need more.

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Airfix were posting both downloadable instructions and lists of required paints together with the associated paint/decal guides in the shop kit listings, but for whatever reason this seems to have been discontinued. Instructions seem to have mostly disappeared, but doing a random sampling just now and paint guides seem to be available in most cases.

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If you're particularly interested in building Luftwaffe aircraft, it may be an idea to get all of Humbrol's RLM paints:

Humbrol Acrylic AB0240 RLM02 Matt Grau

Humbrol Acrylic AB0241 RLM70 Schwartzgrun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0242 RLM71 Dunkelgrun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0243 RLM72 Matt Grun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0245 RLM74 Matt Graugrun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0246 RLM75 Grauviolett

Humbrol Acrylic AB0247 RLM76 Lichtblau

Humbrol Acrylic AB0248 RLM78 Himmelblau

Humbrol Acrylic AB0249 RLM79 Sandgelb

Humbrol Acrylic AB0251 RLM81 Dunkelbraun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0252 RLM82 Olivgrun

Humbrol Acrylic AB0253 RLM83 Dunkelgrun

This is probably the way to go I think good idea ratch

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