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Lima loco, Hornby wagons?


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The information you've all shared in this thread has fascinated me. Thank you! I will look out for the conversion wagons.

In the meantime, the NEM couplings that Ellocoloco suggeted have arrived. I don't think it's designed to fit in the wagon, but i've forced it in for now, and it seems to work really well.

The heigh difference seems non existant to me, is the loco deffinately HO?



II gather the loco was never designed to pull these cars in the real world. But my other loco is Thomas the Tank Engine, and my next purchase will be the Hogwarts Express... realism isn't what I'm aiming for, but this stuff still makes me smile.

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In the real world the locomotive would be as high or  higher than the tank car it is pulling.  However these locomotives were perfectly at home on tank wagons in fact they were a common load for this class of locomotive, unfortunately I never photographed them on tanks, they were so common I ignored them!


However here are some examples on cement tankers which were similar. Here passing Lewisham.




The tanks are in a weedkilling train passing Faversham.




Another train of cement, this time at Reading.



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Lima did an HO model of the guards van behind the loco in the second picture which was quite a nice model and came with the continental style couplings. Most of their other HO wagons apart from the short open ones were European wagons lettered for the UK market. I did read that they produced an HO GWR Toad brakevan but I've never seen one. 

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2 things  :-


Here a photo of a coupling between 2 Tank Wagons @ Turnstead Quarry...




& also I've made a Video all about Model Couplings -

to see it - Thank you  😀
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I came across this website which details the whole range of Lima British HO items. There may be a few other continental bits n bobs that were sold as British but it's pretty good. 



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Thanks RT, I hadn't fully appreciated how long these had been sold.


In about 1975 I purchased a Lima Gauge O trainset  in a toy shop in Chatham. There was a 4F and tender together with two mark 1 Composite carriages. Also an oval of track and a small battery controller. I cannot remember what I paid for it now, but I wasn't earing a huge salary, and had two brand new children at home with another on the way, so I wouldn't have much disposable income at that tikme so it must have been reasonably priced.

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LC&DR I remember them being on sale, there were a lot of the O gauge sets around with usually a red loco and two MK 1 coaches lettered LMS. I was ta the Manchester show once and it was my birthday and the choice was between one of the Lima 33s brand new in a box or a tattily boxed Tri-ang blue class 31 D5578. Eventually I chose the Tri-ang loco and still have it. 

I have come across a lot of the Lima wagons in 'job lots' and usually sell them on, someone always buys them but not for very much. 

The 00 Lima wagons have a chassis that is the same length as a lot of the Hornby Dublo wagons.... not for purists but at least I can run the wagon bodies with my modern stock!

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@ R. T. & L. C. :- Those photos (from that link above) of those smaller boxes look like a smaller version of what I've got!!!...





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JimyJames, I thought you'd like the link as you've mentioned the two sets you had before. I did have the one with the blue diesel shunter And three wagons. What I don't think it says on the site is that the cheap version only had a coupling on the back. 

Just like Playcraft before them Lima made the mistake of keeping to the scale they knew, in both cases HO. Their stock was too small to be acceptable to most OO modellers and although decent quality (in most cases) didn't sell as well as the OO stock in the UK. 

Lima and Playcraft were much cheaper than the established manufacturers so the sets sold well from places like Woolworths and there are still a lot about  second hand. When Lima changed to OO in the UK the HO stock must have been sold off very cheaply as they were sold for peanuts off market stalls and the like. 

It's a shame they were to the wrong (or right, depending on your perspective) scale as althogh basically toys they were made with the same motors as the rest of the ranges which although not up to modern standards are reliable and easy to repair. I have had a few of the 040 HO American tender locos with a BR logo on the tender which I have passed on to people at work and their kids love them! Very reliable but not like anything that ever ran over here. 

From memory the O gauge sets weren't much more than the OO ones (LC&DR says he bought one that mustn't have been too expensive) and they were available very widely. There were a few items in the modelling magazines about building new bodies onto the cheap O gauge chassis that were available, including the class 33 and the small diesel shunter. 

Great stuff and important part of the history of model trains in the UK. 

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Yeah - Thank you  😀 - these boxes are a very "1970's" styling!!! As Sarahagain has sold me b4 - these blue Shunters are called "Plymouth Switcher". - Didn't Playcraft make them 'Push-along' play toy trains with them red plastic Track - I seem to remember to have that for when I was a child!!! Yeah I heard about Lima making the mistake of doing H0 instead of 00!!! Well Most of my Model Railway Stock is 00 apart from of course my 2 Lima Sets which is H0 - which doesn't really bother me too much!!!

Great stuff and important part of the history of model trains in the UK. 

I'd think I'd agree with that  😀

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JJ The Playcraft red track followed a blue version that I had in the 1960s. The Playcraft brand I refer to were a complete HO range that were made by Jouef for the British market in the 1960s and forced our producers to cut prices just as Lima did in the 1970s. Unfortunately for both they chose HO instead of OO. Playcraft only had the D6100 and a diesel shunter with a non prototypical chassis for UK prototypes, bu they did have a large range of continental prototypes that they sold under the 'continental' range and dare I say it, ran very well compared to UK produced locos. 


I will post a linK to a good website tomorrow!

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I got the blue version in the late 1960s. The trains were push along. I got some of the version you mention for my sons from a Car boot sale but the locos couln't manage the bridges that came with it unless the batteries were brand new. They soon lost interest in it so it went off to the charity shop. 

Here is the Playcraft railways web site, my iPad is copying web addresses at the moment so it's easy to put them up.



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Not my website! I wouldn't know how to do one. This one doesn't seem to have been updated for a long time but it's still there and there is a lot of info on it. The Jouef site that links from it has links to a lot of the Jouef service sheets. 


When I was young I had Playcraft and second hand Tri-ang model trains Which is probably why I like them?   😆

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