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Rail master - R8247 continuous clicking/pulse

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I have recently started using Railmaster again and on setting up installed the latest update.  However, having done so the Hornby Points Decoder continues to activate Point 1 on each decoder.  It clicks continuously one way. 

many thanks

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There are no other reports of this issue that I am aware of, and I take an interest with regards all issues that are RailMaster related.


You say started using RM again .... that infers that you have been using a different controller prior to this issue.


Please provide a little more background information ... such as:


  • When all was working OK what controller were you using then?
  • Have you ever used RM successfully ... why did you stop using it?
  • What are you using with RM now, with this issue ... eLink or Elite?
  • Do you get any on screen controller related error messages ... are your RM to controller connections stable?


If you get any RM to controller communication issues or error messages or drop-outs then I suggest running through the guidance in this recent thread relating to the new 1.7 RM software release.




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See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum.




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A complete new issue to me. I have no suggestions to make, apart from going through the guidance in my link anyway just in case. Other than that, the only other thing you can do is use the integral 'support request' in the 'Help Screen' and document / report your issue to HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support).

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It sounds like RM set points on startup sub routine is stuck in a loop.

If you can deselect set points on startup, shut down and restart RM and report back.

If that stops the repeating action, then try selecting set on start up again, shut down and restart RM again.


The outcome of these actions will add information to your report to HRMS.

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Good News.  I dug out an old laptop with Railmaster installed and ran on 1.68 and no problems.  Installed latest upgrade and again no problems.  Will continue to investigate with previous laptop and let you know of outcome if any.

Again many thanks for your prompt replies and help.

Stay safe.


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