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Elite will not read/write CV's

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The problem: My elite controller will not read/write CV's on my programming track.  Keep getting "Unable to verfy" and "Error reading - repeating" messages.  If I remove my Elite and insert an e-link, I can read and write comprehensively as per design.

History: My original Elite failed in CV reading/writing so bought a replacement (used) unit with 1.41 firmware.  All worked fine except CV read/write on programming track. Sent to Hornby and it was returned as fixed with updated firmware (v1.45) installed.  Problem was still evident.  Unable to return to Hornby due to Covid so bit the bullet and bought a brand new unit.  Same problem and I am getting depressed with the whole affair!!

My Setup: I have 2 laptop computers, both with latest Railmaster and pro pack installed.  Problem occurs on both. My normal control is using 1 computer via Elite.  I also have an e-link which I now use purely for CV adjustment but it is a pain having to swap out the Elite/e-link and vice versa every time I want to "tweak" a CV.  My programming track is a straight length of track with feeder wires hard soldered. I (belt & braces) disconnect main track feeds when programming track is attached. I have 22 loco's  from various manufacturers, most with sound, some new, some not so new and with a wide variety of DCC modules.

Additional Info:  I have changed power supplies, feeder wires and track.  I have cleaned track and wheels, pickups etc. many times. I have tried reading and writing individually and in multiples. I tried applying slight downward pressure on the loco whilst reading/writing to no effect. I really cannot think what else to change, I thought ultimately that the new controller would do the trick but having apparently wasted £230 I am now at my wits end.


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I have two questions that need answering.


Q1 When the Elite is connected to RailMaster even though you cannot program ... can you still use the Elite to actually control locomotives on the track.


Q2 I assume you have tried, but just need to check ... do you have the same Elite issue if you use the Elite on its own, 'stand alone' without it being attached to RailMaster. By using the knobs and buttons on the Elite to read / write CVs.


Just for information. In RailMaster, only Controller A can be used for CV reading and writing on the 'programming track'. It is impossible to perform this function if the Elite or eLink is attached as Controller B.


Also to note for information. Controller B can not be used to control locos. Controller B is dedicated for the operation of Accessory Decoders only, and even then, Controller B has to be specifically selected as the functional controller to use in the individual accessory set-up configuration screen, i.e for a point or signal configuration.


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I doubt that a new Elite, a repaired Elite and another Elite would all display failed to program symptoms. The fault must be elsewhere.


I suggest you go back to basics with each controller in turn using a simple programming track as the only thing connected  and see what results you get.


Swap to the next Elite and record that as success or failrue.


Repeat with final controller.


If any or all pass this test then hook them up to RM and repeat RM as your programming method.


Report results.

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After months of frustration and uneccesary expense, the problem is solved.  It turned out to be TWO corrupt RM programmes. Although RM was one of my first considerations, I was fooled into discounting this as the probable cause by blindly following written instructions.  Initially I reinstalled RM but as the problem continued, I purchased a second licence and pro pack and installed it on a second laptop.  The problem remained, so I then looked elsewhere thinking that RM could not be the root cause.  After talking to various "experts", I was persuaded to upgrade my power supply - no change.  I then bought another (used) Elite - No change.  So I purchased a new Elite - No change.  I have changed "snubbers", bought countless USB leads and power leads, Resoldered joints, worn out my track cleaning rubber and have had many sleepless nights.

It was only when I went right back to basics that I eliminated the cause of my suicidal thoughts.  I uninstalled RM as per written guidance but I then searched my 'C' drive for Railmaster, including hidden files, and voila! The offending articles.  I then manually deleted these 8 or 9 remaining files evealed by searching, which were not removed by the routine uninstall.  I then did a fresh install and did not re-introduce any files from previous data backups.  SUCCESS,  I then installed one by one, the ususal backup files (track plans, manifest file etc.) and at each stage the problem did not reappear.  I then repeated this on my second laptop and the same again - no problem.  

The root cause must have been the 'hidden' files which remained on the laptops after uninstall and which must have been resident on my second laptop from a previous install of the original RM licence. Fooled again!!

The moral - uninstalling a programme does not completely remove all files.  Always check.

Basically, I saw the wood in the trees but overlooked the roots.I now have some e-bay listings to create.


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An unusual fix, but all credit to you for finding it yourself. Thank you for sharing it with others.


When you uninstall RM, It does leave behind a number of files with a .BAK extension. These files are created every time RM is normally shut down. They are 'Back-up' files. The RM 'uninstaller' does not touch these files, hence the 'uninstaller' also leaves the RM program folder behind as well because the .BAK files are still in it. These .BAK files are usually benign, but it's possible that other files might also be left behind that are not benign.


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