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Elite accessory addresses and JMRI


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Hi everyone.  Very odd one this.  I've been using an Elite and JMRI successfully for years. 

After a major short circuit caused by a rogue screw falling off an old Lima DMU, the Elite obviously called Error.

After this, the address translation for accessories is off by 3. 

ie if I call point address 16 directly from the Elite, it works fine, but if I now call address 16 from JMRI then point 13 throws.  If I then re address point 16 to address 19 in JMRI Then point 16 throws.

This is the same for all points and signals and all accessories.  I have reset the decoders and set the base addresses, upgraded the Elite firmware to 1.45 and also reinstalled JMRI On two different PCs.

I can only think that address translation is faulty on the Elite but am a loss what to try next!   

any ideas welcome....


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The Classic / Standard ' 3 ' offset issue has been featured in posts on this forum for quite a few years. If you had raised the issue in a post when it happened, instead of spending a lot of effort updating firmware and reinstalling software, we could have very quickly put you on the right path regarding this 3 offset issue resolution.


But good to know that you seem to have successfully married up the Elite to JMRI, presumably with full operation without issue.


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