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DCC select error code "CE"


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So I've just been finishing my model rail after a year long hiatus and I mainly use an E-Link system, but it takes ages to setup and for a quick test it's just better to use my old DCC Select. I've been running my layout for a while (locos, points and signals) when I look down on the DCC Select and there is an error code and the red LED in the top left flashing. I perceived the error code to be CE.  aI unitunplugged and replugged the unit and tried again. This time it ran for about a minute before it did it again. Does anyone know what this means, so that I can try and fix it.

Cheers, Jake

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There is a list of error messages in the back of the user manual.  CE is command error from Expressnet


LA Locomotive Address.

AC Acceleration

dE Deceleration

Fd Forward Direction

rd Reverse Direction

E5 Emergencey Stop

A1 Consist Address 1

A2 Consist Address 2

CA Clear All

ON You have turned "ON" a function

oF You have turned OFF a function

C5 Control Station

HC Hand Controller

H5 Speed Step 128

CE Command Error from XpressNet

OL Short circuit or overloadLCD

Please see Trouble Shooting for full details

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Can you confirm that when you use the Select for testing purposes, that you physically remove the eLink track output connection from the track.


It would also be helpful to know what firmware version is installed on your Select. What is the very first number to appear briefly on your LCD screen when the Select is powered up. Expect to see a number between 10 and 20.


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The error code suggests the Select is being used as a Walkabout but you do not mention it being plugged into a master controller by way of an RJ cable, so how is it connected.

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He mentions eLink which would seem to discount 'Walkabout', but of course the eLink might be a 'typo' and should read 'Elite'.

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