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Eric Lock's Spitfire in 1/72 scale

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Part of my Battle of Britain themed modelling is looking at the 'Aircraft of the Aces', and with the availability of alternative markings, it of course makes it possible to model specific aircraft. So here is my attempt to produce Sergeant Eric Lock's Spitfire, using the Airfix A68206 Spitfire Mk Ia in 1/72 scale. As usual for me, it was painted using a brush and Vallejo paints. 

Sergeant Eric Lock is thought - by some analysts at least - to have been the top scoring pilot of the actual BoB period. This is an aircraft that he was known to have flown: EB-G N3162 of 41 Squadron, based at Hornchurch in September 1940.


As well as the specific code letters, I've added the correct serial number, and also the 'kill' markings. The other 'add-on' (I try as far as I can to build OOB) was the pilot figure, which was a resin PJ Productions figure - to which I added the oxygen tube... In the close-up of the cockpit area, you'll note that I had a bit of difficulty getting the slid-open canopy to fit (which I had to detach with a razor-saw as this kit doesn't have a two piece canopy) and I've also tried to give Eric his stripes (not easy in this scale!). Having the open cockpit door I think makes a huge difference!


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Again Landy that's a good finish and a very good Spit! As you say the open fuselage flap and canopy slide back makes it. I've been wanting to do that myself for a while but haven't tried cutting up canopies before, and was concerned about the fit over the rear fuselage?


So well done! 

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Thats really good! The stripes are an insane level of detail. I may have to copy that (or at least try.....). Nice job with the canopy too. I've done the same with the razor saw. A certain company from further East than Germany starting with E...... does some very nice later war Spits not covered by Airfix (Much harder to build well though). Generally you get about a 1/3rd of a box worth of unused parts including extra canopies (in multiple parts) and up to 3 extra doors so I hoard those and use them on the Airfix kits like you do. It really makes a big difference. 

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I like this a lot, I'm a sucker for 'ace' builds and Lock has never had much of a press unlike other aces, presumably because he was a relatively junior officer that didn't survive long enough to achieve senior rank. He would have made wing leader for sure if he hadn't gone missing. Anyway, here's a pic taken shortly before he failed to return from ops. The aircraft must, ergo, be a Mk Vb and there are some good details visible, the way the fuel tank skinning protrudes, the overlap on the screen frame, the open door with no crowbar. I seem to remember the late Edgar Brooks saying the crowbars were a later war addition.




Just  a lad really, so sad. Lock was based at Hornchurch during the BoB which is just down the road from me. The airfield is long gone, now partly a housing estate, partly country park/nature reserve. Essex Wildlife Trust have a visitor centre there, so if you visit the reserve (which is well worth while) you can also get tea and cakes.

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