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Can the elink be used with the select controller

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This is very similar to your previous Select / RailMaster question.


The Select can only be used stand alone or as a Walkabout controller handset in conjunction with another Select or Elite controller. There is no way currently that you can use Select with RailMaster in the guise of connecting via an eLink.


Before you ask this question. If you connect the Select to an Elite in Walkabout mode, you still can't use it with RailMaster.

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Thank you Chris sad

i invested in the elink based on the reply to the last question thinking it could control the layout with out a controller attachedmy bad for not reading and understanding , i should have checked before i did  If i understand correctly i will need to buy the elite controller .

thank you 


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ELink is designed to be used standalone with RM, in fact it can only be used with RM as it has no user controls, i.e. knobs, buttons or screen. ELink can be used with an Elite in a dual controller setup in RM.


When Select is connected to an Elite in Walkabout mode then the Select restriction on loco and points addresses applies to which locos you can run from the Select. The Elite can run any addresses, but you cannot hand over control of an out of range addressed loco to the Select.

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There seems to be some confusion on your part.


The eLink if not purchased as a second hand spare piece of hardware ships with a copy of RailMaster software. If you purchased the eLink as just the hardware box alone on its own. Then you have purchased a box you can use as a 'door stop'. It can't be used without RailMaster software at £70 (cheaper if you can find old stocks of R8144 RailMaster on CD).


RailMaster in conjunction with an eLink is a powerful DDC controller and can be used to control your layout in totality.


The Elite controller is a complete stand alone controller that can control your layout, but with the added benefit that it has a USB interface on it that makes it also compatible with RailMaster software. In other words it can replace the eLink with an Elite or supplement the eLink with an Elite in a dual controller configuration.


The Select controller is a basic reduced function controller that can control your layout with certain limitations. The Select does not have a USB interface on it, thus it cannot connect to a PC running RailMaster. It can however connect to an Elite or another Select as an additional control knob (Walkabout mode).


Hornby did plan to release a special proprietary USB adapter cable to let a Select connect to a PC running RailMaster, but this adapter cable was cancelled at the 11th hour in its release cycle.

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The eLink is just an interface hardware box that gets its DCC instructions from the RailMaster software and converts those instructions into DCC control data packets that are sent to the track via the eLink 'TRACK A&B' output terminals. In other words, the eLink connects to the track and provides the power to operate your locomotives, whilst RailMaster software tells the eLink what DCC Commands to transmit to the DCC decoders fitted inside the locomotives.


I don't mean this at all in a derogatory way, but I would be very surprised indeed, based upon your posts so far, if you get your RailMaster / eLink combination set up and configured as a fully functional and flawlessly working system at your first attempt. However, that said. There are many 'tutorial' type threads and other documentation resources on this forum that provide assistance to get your system working. So when you hit problems and 'How do I' issues, raise appropriate questions as they arise, but please do so in the 'RailMaster & Trackmaster' forum.


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