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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 (87ft x 25ft)

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Bumping this post for Duke to continue with pending the legacy pictures being repopulated rather than using the similarly entitled discussion thread as we will only have to try to mesh the two posts together which is not as easy as it was before.

once continuity has been established then this bump will be deleted.

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Continuing where we left off, before Hornby's little sojourn, into the Clouds. I was just beginning to do a little scenery work on the 2 track Salisbury line "branch".

The weather during much of February here in Southern Catalonia was a little topsy-turvy (warm/cold), which necessitated chopping and changing between scenic construction and track laying.

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Duke, thank you for reposting as requested. The other duplicate thread you started can now be removed. But just for info. There were three duplicate copies of the post above waiting in the image moderation queue. After 'approval' the two duplicates were then removed.

Be aware, that in future, if you get any 'Your image has been rejected by a moderator' email messages in future posts. That will be because the duplicates have been rejected in the 'image moderation' queue to save the extra work of approving them and then removing them afterwards. I didn't want to use the 'reject' option on this occasion as it might have confused you.

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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 - Scenic progress part 2

illside construction which will be seen to cover this complete baseboard in the next few pictures. On the baseboard edge nearest will also be noted a hinged wooden door, and part of the access means to clean track and attend to the hidden point in the tunnel as necessary.

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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 - Scenic progress (pic 4)

In this picture a few days after the first shot was taken, I have reached the paper mache stage using stripped up newspaper dunked in PVA (20%) & water (80%).

The access doorway and the removable roof section are open in this shot, to allow the paper mache to be wrapped around the timber edges.

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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 - Scenic progress (pic 6 of 7)

The following day, and the paper mache is now dry. Note the baseboards (foreground) are still parted & hanging on their 100mm long carriage bolts to allow air to access in between as part of the drying process. It now just needs some paint....

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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 - Scenic progress (pic 7 of 7).

in a DIY water based chocolate colour it will remain this way for a while. Grass and trees will be added later, mainly because I still have a little timberwork which creates dust to complete.

The HORNBY 4Vep EMU, having spent a few years in its box, was here having a little spin to blow out the Spanish dust. It revealed a minor niggle in that the motor coach driving wheels didn't like some of the Peco point frogs in the Fiddle Yard area, and derailed. A "Back to Back" gauge revealed the wheels were fractionally to close on their axles, and the gauge cured this problem in a few seconds.....

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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 - Scenic progress (pic 7 of 7).

Having now painted the hillside in a DIY water based chocolate colour it will remain this way for a while. Grass and trees will be added later, mainly because I still have a little timberwork which creates dust to complete.

Next up will be progress on a lot more track laying and other goodies.....

The Duke 71000



Moderator message: Jimbo you seem to have re-quoted Duke's post unnecessarily and not added any new content. Be aware, like the old forum, the blue button tool in the post should be avoided. If you want to reply, use the reply box at the bottom of the page like before, or choose the 'Reply' option in the 'three vertical dots' pop-up tools menu. If this post never gets updated by you, then it will be removed as a duplicate in due course.

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Thread bumped again to raise to top of rankings. Newly added image posts to historical threads don't seem to invoke this bumping action correctly - [this BUG now reported].

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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 - Locoshed area track laying progress (pic 6) . locoshed track & point laying progressing well. Three of the four mainline tracks are visible at upper right. The nearest of which (Up Slow line) already has the point to allow access to the "Reception Road" and shed.

The track layout, and the reference to track names all come from the original and real life Basingstoke station area plan. This Locoshed area as seen, is only slightly shortened this side of the turntable, (by around 2ft) in relation to the real plan.

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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 - Locoshed area track laying progress (pic 7 of 10) .ing finished connecting all the three shed roads with handbuilt points, the next point will be laid on the white card area. The card is needed as the copperclad sleepers used are slightly thinner than Pecos ones. The Peco locoshed pits (kits) in the foreground, have now been airbrushed matt black, in preparation for ballasting the area.

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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 - Locoshed area track laying progress (pic 8 of 10) .OVE: The locoshed has gone walkabout, as the next project to provide interior lighting was also underway at this stage. The pointwork has now connected with the freight avoiding line where that Bulleid Merchant Navy is quietly simmering.....

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BASINGSTOKE 1958-67 - Locoshed area track laying progress (pic 10 of 10) .ABOVE: The last hat points directly connected with the Locoshed are now seen as the crossover nearest the collection of tools used in handbuilt point building. Note; also the rail built gantry that should be just visible over the tracks normally hidden by the locoshed. Just what this is will become apparent, in the next series of photos. This series of 10 pictures of pointbuilding covers about two weeks work.

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This will certainly cause confusion to readers.....



Duke, this is a designed feature by the developers on the new forum. Probably as your previous gripes have referred to, to make the forum more efficient for user 'Discussion'. On the old forum, posts would digress and deviate away from the original poster's question to the detriment of the 'Discussion Starter'. The repeating of the OP post is supposed to keep the discussion on topic and on track and allow readers to see how the relevance of the later page replies compare to the original question.

There are no known plans that moderators are aware of to change this behaviour.

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This will certainly cause confusion to readers.....

Duke, this is a designed feature by the developers on the new forum. Probably as your previous gripes have referred to, to make the forum more efficient for user 'Discussion'. On the old forum, posts would digress and deviate away from the original poster's question to the detriment of the 'Discussion Starter'. The repeating of the OP post is supposed to keep the discussion on topic and on track and allow readers to see how the relevance of the later page replies compare to the original question.
There are no known plans that moderators are aware of to change this behaviour.




Indeed, but when the "Discussion starter" keeps reappearing at the top of each page in the middle of a discussion makes nonsense out of the discussion whether it has remained "on topic" or wandered like you say.

Further, now each of my Posts is labelled a "Discussion starter". Quite obviously whoever is responsible for designing this Forum, understands nothing about hobby Forums, but a lot about "Twitter" & "Facebook" I suggest . SadIy I really don't think this is going to aid Hornby's sales figures.....
The Duke 71000



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