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TTS Sound Locomotive Problem

Guest Chrissaf

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I have a layout running on a DCC system including 21 steam locomotives, 6 of whch are fitted with TTS Sound. Two locomotives a MN "Africa Line" and a "Lord Nelson" both facory fitted with TTS Sound only work when running clockwise around my layout?

It cannot be a track / layout problem as all other loco's work fine. I first noticed the problem when one of the above loco's was on the turntable, as most will know a turntable changes polarity at a mid-way point and when passing this point the sound stopped and the loco was effectivly dead, rotating the turntable again past the midway point and everything worked fine again. 

Once again placing the loco's on the main layout this was confirmed if running clockwise all was fine, but if the loco's were turned around to run in the other direction absolutely dead.

Any ideas??

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There were a batch of faulty TTS decoders that were shown to be track orientation sensitive. There was a period on this forum where posts raising this issue were appearing with regularity. I suggest that your affected TTS decoders are from this old batch stock and you need to contact Hornby to arrange replacement.


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Rather than turning the locos round physically on track just swap the controller wires over.this will prove the fault.

As Chris says contact Hornby and let them know you have the uni-directional fault and upon return to works they will reprogram the decoder firmware for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say thanks for your help with this. I am just starting out with DCC and have a similar problem with a Hornby Class 47 fitted with TTS. It is running irratically and in the opposite direction to the way my (only) other DCC loco does.  Found this and other older posts on your forum and now I know it's not just me and how I can go about getting it sorted.  Many thanks. 😆

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The original poster raised an issue about a TTS loco travelling in one direction only. Your issue is different, your issue is about the loco directions being reversed which is something completely different.


I doubt very much that your issue is caused by the same issue that was affecting the original poster. Erratic running of TTS decoders is a very commonly raised issue and is usually fixed by amending the TTS Motor Algorithm CVs (documented in the manual for your specific TTS decoder).


And as Rob says above, the default direction can be changed by amending CV29.


However, if you fitted the TTS decoder yourself into a 'DCC Ready' loco, then you may have plugged the decoder in the wrong way round. Fitting a NEM652 8 pin decoder the wrong way round, doesn't stop the loco working. It just drives in reverse and any directional lighting that might be fitted stops working.


If you have the Select controller, you will need firmware version 1.5 or above to fix this issue. You cannot write to the TTS CVs with Select versions below 1.5. If you have a Select, tell us back here and further guidance can be given.


PS - Your really should have raised your own new thread and not hijacked this existing one. It is always better to document your own issue in a dedicated separate thread.


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You can change the default direction with any version of the Select without having to access CV29.  See the user manual, page 12 in my early version.


Just checked and it's also page 12 in the V1.5 manual

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Yes, but you still need to be able to write to CVs to adjust the Motor Algorithm CVs if that is the cause of erratic running.

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