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Problem Trains' speed

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Hello everyone. I state that with Railmaster I use the hornby elite control unit. when I tried to set up a locomotive not belonging to brands of the Hornby group, I assigned it a maximum speed of 110 kph (like the real prototype) and a cruising speed of 90 kph. However, the locomotive reaches the maximum speed when a speed of 50 kph is indicated on the railmaster.

In fact, if I check the power indicator of the control unit, at that point I realize that it is almost at the maximum. I also add that I proceeded to adjust the speed as required by the manual, through an oval, also using the tracks indicated in the guide. How can I solve this problem?
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There are two possible scenarios that your issue could fall into, but it is difficult to tell from your written description which of these two possible known scenarios your issue actually fits into.


The first known issue relates to RailMaster 1.72 software where adding a new loco to the roster results in a loco not having any controllable speed control. In other words, the loco moves from a standstill to virtually full speed and seems to ignore the speed setting on the throttle slider.


If this is what you are describing, then the solution is to delete the loco from your RM loco roster list and add it again. Most users report that adding the loco again cures the issue, but may need to be done more than once to be effective.


The second scenario is where you feel (and this is rather a subjective viewpoint) that for a given setting on the throttle slider that the loco is either going too fast or too slow on the layout. In other words, not travelling at what is perceived as being an appropriate 'scale speed'.


If this second scenario is what your post is describing then read this previous thread, that describes how you can use RM loco speed settings to edit loco behaviour.



Read my replies [8th and 10th posts down on the page]


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Have you got 'scale speed' enabled in 'System Settings'. If the 'scale speed' checkbox is not ticked, then the time box is ignored.

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Yes, it is ticked. it is as if the speed was set in mph since the locomotive accelerates up to the maximum value of about 65, which is equivalent to 110 in mph. I think that the program considers the maximum speed set in mph. It is as if railmaster makes confusion between the two units of measurement. I also did a test with a locomotive with a real maximum speed of 240 kph but it reaches a maximum of 150, which converted into mph is approximately 230

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Apart from suggesting that you change your global RM configuration from KPH to MPH, I have exhausted my suggestions to make. I have a vague recollection that the KPH configuration in RM is not that well de-bugged compared to the MPH settings, but my recollections may be flawed. Here in the UK we don't generally use KPH.

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Rog makes a good point that I hadn't actually picked up on before. Your KPH to MPH conversion maths is flawed.


The 'aide-memoir' way I remember it, is that for each 100 KPH .... that this equates to 62 MPH. ... i.e from UK car acceleration 0-62 MPH times being the same as the Euro 0 - 100 KPH times.



200 KPH is about 2.0 x 62 MPH = 124 MPH

150 KPH is about 1.5 x 62 MPH = 93 MPH

240 KPH is about 2.4 x 62 MPH = 149 MPH

50 KPH is about 0.5 x 62 MPH = 31 MPH


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Hello everyone. I solved yesterday's problem by "playing" a bit with the speed and timing values ​​during the setting of the locomotives. Now, however, I find another one: a single locomotive, specifically the FS E.447.074 (CODE: HR2273), with the Hornby Elite ONLY, reaches a speed of 200 kph in scale, like the real prototype. But controlling it with the Elite / Elink with Railmaster it barely reaches 170 kph. I tried both to use the profileof the locomotives entered in the program database, and to set it up as a non-Hornby Loco, using the scaled speed first and then not. I repeat that the problem occurs only with this locomotive. How can I solve it?
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RailMaster uses 'scale speeds' the Elite controller on its own does not. Locos will always be faster when using the Elite on its own ... this is normal.


What is it with this focus on 'speed'. Unless you have got an absolutely huge layout with long straights, running locos at very high scale speeds to my mind does not look natural. Just my opinion.


If your decoder supports CV5 [Vmax] and CV6 [Vmid] ... not all do ... then you could increase the value of CV5 to increase the maximum voltage applied by the decoder to the motor. If it is not already at max, then increasing the value of CV5 should theoretically make the loco go faster. But I stress again, you need a compatible decoder that supports CV5 and CV6 adjustments.


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Through some tests using Railmaster connected to the Elite I noticed that while on the program the accelerator is at maximum (without using the speed in scale), on the Elite it is about 80%.Anyone know how I can sync them?
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You are expecting too much.


The interaction and what synchronisation there is between RailMaster and the Elite is limited and doesn't work that way.


RailMaster just uses the Elite as an interface box to process the DCC commands generated by RailMaster.


When Elite synchronisation questions have been asked before of HRMS (the RailMaster software developers, and believe me they have been asked) their response has been ... use RailMaster to control the layout or Elite, but if you do use both together do not expect any synchronisation to be accurately maintained.

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I would forgoe all this pre occupation with scale speeds, and enjoy your trains. The only time i select a speed, is when entering new loco,in RM.  I would be very surprised if the majority of us, dont do the same.. It does not mean a lot, as the more wagons/ coaches you add,, the slower the loco gets. Now, pulling power, comparisons, that is interesting. I keep meaning to put my P2, up against my Beyer Garratt.

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I have to agree with John.


I never take any notice at all of what the speed display says. I just turn up the controller until the speed of the train on the layout looks right. If it looks right it is right. I really don't care if the train is going at 30MPH scale or 60MPH scale as long as it looks realistic on the layout.


I believe this is how the majority of RM users view using the product.

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ok, I understand, but I don't see why if I want to make a train travel at maximum power, the program doesn't give me this possibility. If I have to move a very heavy train and need maximum power, why can't Railmaster give me this chance? It is simply a matter of unleashing all the power of the locomotives, it has nothing to do with synchronization or speed.
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I gave you a potential solution that might work i.e increase the value of CV5. But that means replacing the Hornby R8249 with a more capable and configurable decoder. Yes that is additional cost, but suitable decoders are not hugely expensive if they end up giving you the solution you are after.


And it may be that the loco you are trying to use to pull this heavy train, maybe just doesn't have a powerful enough motor in it that no decoder can overcome.


If the decoder is removed and the loco reverted to DC Analogue control, does it do what you want to do then. If it doesn't, then it is a fundamental issue with the motor power and loco mechanicals and not anything to do with DCC control.

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ok chris, thanks a lot for the help. But now let's forget about the speed and power of locomotives; the main problem lies in the fact that my Railmaster is not able to deliver the maximum power on the track. That is, I can't take advantage of all 12 volts. The power indicator (Non-speed) on the PC is 100% while on the Elite 80%, which is visible in some locomotives that reach the maximum speed only through the last power steps.
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I still think you are off beam, on this. If you are right, that RM does not deliver full power, there is a simple way to prove it.   Use a DC controller, on some spare track, and run one of your locos, flat out. Time that, then do the same with loco on RM, with elite, then with RM. That will either prove you right or not.  I have large DC layout, and over 100 locos, and am more than happy with their speeds.   Also, have large DCC layout, with 20 locos. I run both regularly,  at the same time, and have never noticed a speed difference.    I think, if RM, was failing to deliver, full power, this would have come up before.,  No doubt , however, someone will know more.

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