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E-Link and R3663TTS

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Hi all,

I posted incorrect information earlier, which the mods rightly removed... so thanks!

However, I am still experiencing an issue with railmaster. I have the r3663tts Tornado. My programming track reads the decoder and then says it's a class 15. that's not a big deal. It does however give me no way to control the speed it's either on or off. 

Having forced RM to read CV7 as any Hornby decoder including the TTS Tornado; CVs 5 and 6 (Max and Medium Speeds) are shown as not used... which must be the root of my speed control issues.

All sound functions work perfectly. I have deleted the loco and tried again on RM but to no avail. And every time I do, after putting the correct information in... the Detection ID changes to 87 rather than 4 and the Voice Control is set to F (I don't use or want to use Voice Control so don't touch it), I change all of this back and it's the same thing.

Programming an ESU Loksound decoder worked perfectly on RM (it detected it itself and programmed it perfectly) and so I'm confused. Is it that the database is corrupted somehow? Could it be something to do with my poor wifi signal in my garage? 

It is clearly a RM issue not anything to do with my loco as it worked fine with speed control when I used a Hornby Select.

Any help would be greatly received as this is frustrating me massively!

Many thanks

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CV5 and 6 are not supported by TTS decoders, so ignore them.


Force CV7 to become a TTS Steam decoder and it will load the default CV set for TTS steam. You can however write new values to any supported Cv without first reading the data set. Just write any new values to the decoder before doing any read activity.


The speed fault is a known bug in RM but usually deleting the loco and relisting it solves the problem. Report it in to HRMS. The more folk snag it the more chance there is of it getting fixed.

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And every time I do, after putting the correct information in... the Detection ID changes to 87 rather than 4 and the Voice Control is set to F


There is obviously something going wrong when you are adding the loco to the RailMaster loco roster list, as Detection ID and Voice control entries should remain blank. Something similar regarding 'Detection IDs' being populated I vaguely remember being reported before in the long distant past. For that to happen, there has to be some form of loco entry corruption or 'incorrect' methodology at play.


On Friday morning (3rd July) RM version 1.73 was released.


If your version of RM is still at version 1.72 or even below. Then I suggest that you manually upgrade RailMaster to this latest 1.73 version release as the 1.73 contains 'Bug' fixes .... what ones is not documented, but it may still fix your issue.


The 1.73 update is not an auto-update. It has to be done manually. Download the installer file from the link at the top of the RailMaster forum. Ignore the fact that the link still says it is version 1.72 that text has not been updated yet. The installer that downloads is indeed version 1.73


Do not uninstall your existing version, just make sure that it isn't running.


Right click the downloaded installer and choose 'Run as administrator' and just install it directly over the top of the existing version.


Mod Comment:


I posted incorrect information earlier, which the mods rightly removed... so thanks!


You actually edited that post and put in a 'Please remove this post' request, which was acted upon. It was not an independent 'decision' made by the mods which your line above in bold infers.

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