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Points decoder programming


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I want to add my points to a Select controller ising Hornby points decoder. Do all the locos have to be removed from the track (same as loco programming) ? also can all the points remain connected, THANKS in advance

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Do all the locos have to be removed from the track (same as loco programming) ? also can all the points remain connected,


Yes (loco removal) and Yes (points can remain connected, but see next line below).


If you have more than one Accessory Decoder then the ones you don't want to program need to be removed too.


Personally, I really strongly suggest that the easiest and most reliable way to program an Accessory Decoder that is wired into all the points, is to have to hand a suitable length of twin wire flex. Then to disconnect the track wires from the Select and also disconnect the track input to the Accessory Decoder you want to configure. Then use the suitable length of twin wire flex to make a temporary direct connection between the Select and the Accessory Decoder for configuration.


This approach has got two distinct advantages.


Firstly, you don't have to faff around disconnecting all the things that you don't want to accidentally program by mistake i.e. Locos AND Accessory Decoders


Secondly, having a direct 'point to point' connection maximises the reliability of the configuration task to being successful first time as there is less scope for the track and connected wiring picking up radiated interference from the ether and disrupting the configuration data.

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I am sure everything is connected correctly BUT when I try to address the first points the Red light in the Select flashes 8 times. I have checked the wiring numerous times but am having the same problem each time.

ANY ideas what could be the probllem ? What am I missing ?

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The Select manual for Accessory decoder programming states... "Programming: Hornby R8249/R8215 Decoder

1. Press and hold “SELECT”.The LCD display will flash “LA”.

2. Enter the first address (61) on the keypad, and press “SELECT”.The red led will flash up to seven times during which the decoder will be accepting the command. If the LED flashes eight times, it is advisable to re-programme the Decoder again.

3.The point/accessory is ready for use.The other outlets have been automatically coded 62, 63, 64."


If you have followed the good advice of Chrissaf and disconnected both the 'Track' pair of feed wires from the rear of the Select and also disconnected the 'DCC Input' pair of wires on the accessory decoder then connected a temporary pair of wires from the now vacant Track terminals to the now vacant Accessory decoder DCC input terminals, the decoder should programme correctly as per the manuals instructions above.

A second (or more) go is always worth while if the first fails to programme.

If it continually fails and your Select is at Firmware version 1.6 or 2.0 then reset the decoder via CV8 enter a value of 8.  Then retry a programming.

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Thanks Flashbang, I have tried a few times and just get the same result that is why I asked the question.

I am a bit thick when it comes to techy stuff and I dont understand Your bit about the reset.

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Resetting a decoder to factory default. For most decoders [R8247 included], resetting involves writing a value of 8 to CV number 8.


Selects with firmware versions at 1.5 and below can't do this. However, if you have firmware 1.6 / 2.0 already or have your Select upgraded to version 1.6 or above, then you can do this reset task.


R8247's have been known to become easily corrupted and there are instances where doing a CV8 reset is the only way to recover the situation. So having your Select firmware upgraded is a worthwhile action to take.


The current installed firmware is displayed as the very first number to briefly appear on the Select screen as it is being powered up. Expect to see a number between 10 and 20. At the time of writing, the latest version is 1.6 [16] or 2.0 [20] - both the same. These latest versions completely transform the user experience of the Select controller and add the ability to write (not read) all CVs up to CV255 [which of course, includes CV8]. As well as access to the full F0 - F28 range of functions.


The upgrade charge is typically £15 plus VAT [£18] plus your sending postage costs. You need to get a 'returns number' from Hornby Customer Services - see 'Contact Us' link at the very bottom of the page.


If you do arrange to get your Select firmware upgraded, then you will need both the Select version 1.5 full manual and the version 1.6 addendum manual. As the operation of your Select (how to use it) will be completely different in certain areas of operation compared to your current firmware version.


You can download these two manual PDFs from here:



If nothing appears to happen, check your nominated browser download folder for the files as they can download silently in the background.

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Have you disconnected the two Track feed wires and decoders two feed wires and replaced them with two temporary direct wires Select to decoder?? 


As Chrissaf says, Select Version 1.6 or 2.0 can write CVs to a decoder to alter their settings and even reset them back to manufacturers default setting as supplied when new. This is all done via CV settings. CV 8 entering and sending a value of 8 to the decoder causes it to reset back to its default settings and often this then allows new programming to take place.


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