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block detection - success at last

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After many hours of frustration I have finally got my railway operating using block detection.

The controller is still elink/railmaster. 

I Now have my new signal decoder detecting block occupancy, setting signals to danger & clearing them automatically & setting braking modules with the signals so that the trains stop at signals when they are set to danger - the signals can still be set & cleared from railmaster, but will automatically revert back to danger when blocks are occupied. This is all done with a single Arduino controlling 5 signals - I have built two more decoders to control the remaining areas of the layout, but haven't wired them in yet.

full details can be found at https://shedendrly.wordpress.com/





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I wish I had though of that, so fine work Zero 1.  I worked on the rocket car challenge with Thrust SSC a few years ago and we used IR sensors for that and tracked students cars at 80mph actual not scale speed with no problem.  I am also interested in RFID sensors though the readers  have to be pretty closed to the tokens. So thanking for igniting my interest 

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