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R751 Class 37 - help choosing.

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Gents, posting for the first time here but so glad to have finally found some knowledgeable chaps who might be able to help. I have two class 37's inherited from a keen model railwayer but who has sadly passed. They are frankly in superb visual condition but the engines, well that's a different matter.

The first class 37 has sporting D6830 has one of those old motors with the double screw that a member posted a picture of in this post which completely fell to pieces whilst being removed from the body (I did not remove the top screw) and frankly is friar tucked. The other which has a running number 37072 I believe is running an X941 but not having taken it apart I cannot swear to.

My question is can I substitute the old motor in D6830 with an X941? If not what is the upgrade and from where can I get it?

Everything takes shed loads of time and is disgustingly expensive as I live in Thailand and have to source stuff from ghe UK where some vendors insist in showing postage ss part of ghe cist, adding to my import duties!

Happy days!

Thanks guys

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Hello Tim, welcome to the forum.

You have posted on an old conversation thread and you should ideally start a new one. The General Discussion area is fine just use a title that reflects your query such as Class 37 motor conversion. You can copy your post content from here and paste it in the new location. I could do it for you but it will look like my query- not yours. When done you can delete your post in this thread.

Also there is no need to start a new paragraph, the forum software does it for you. Posts just end up with double spacing.


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As there is a fair degree of commonality between the latest post and the original early post (which drifted a little off subject) and to save Tim moving the new post, I will answer the query simply by saying the X941 Ringfield drive unit can not be used in the earlier model's chassis as, if you take both loco's apart, you will see that the underframes are totally different where the drive unit is mounted and where they fit to the bodies. There is no upgrade for the early chassis. If you wish to run the early model, source replacement parts but note that its performance will not really match the sophistication of more modern products (despite SoT's affection for them).

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