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Elite start up problems


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When switching on my Elite which has a Select unit coupled in to it, I often get an error message which usually can be cleared by pressing the Stop button but not always! Any ideas as to the possible cause please

Thank you


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It would help if you told us what the 'error message' says.....


As you are connecting your Select to the Elite as a walkabout. Can you confirm that you are using the R8266 cable and not the R8236 cable. The R8236 cable is still mentioned in some old Hornby documentation, but it was replaced by the R8266 cable due to communication issues using the R8236. You can easily tell the two cables apart because the R8236 is a flat cable and the R8266 is a round sheathed cable.


Also what firmware version is your Select. Tell us the very first number to appear briefly on the Select screen when it is being powered up via its own dedicated PSU and not via the Elite. Expect a number between 10 & 20.


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Normally, the message 'Error' is an indication that too much current is being drawn from the power supply. Typically a 'short circuit' but in your case it clears so unlikely to be a permanent 'short'.


Oddly, you normally press the 'Escape' button to clear the 'Error' message, but you say you press the 'Stop' button. Pressing the 'Stop' button (subject to Elite firmware version) will usually disconnect track power.


Since you appear to power up the Elite with the Select 'pre-attached', then the start up current draw will be a combination of the power required internally by the Elite PLUS the power required internally by the Select PLUS the initialisation power required by the CDUs contained within any Accessory Decoders you may have attached [DCC Concepts ADS decoders are particularly prone to high inrush currents] PLUS any power drawn by rolling stock already on the track [coaches with lighting etc]. All these power drains will be accumulative and produce 'start up inrush currents' taken from the Elite power supply. Since your 'Error' message is intermittent, then this 'start up inrush current' may just be on the edge of the 'Error' current trigger level. Sometimes it triggers, sometimes it doesn't.


You didn't answer the question regarding cable used and Select firmware version.

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Select start up Number is 20.

I am not using the correct R 8266 cable as I could not find one. The cable I have has worked perfectly so far.

Finally the system worked perfectly until last week when it started playing up. I am away on holiday for 10 days from tomorrow and I do appreciate your help and suggestions.

Finally as a newbie! How do I close a topic when I feel that I have had enough help!

Many thanks


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Roms, enjoy your holiday, then go on ebay. There is a guy on there, makes these cables, in yellow, to any length,. I think if you have the right one, i am using , two, of his, this may well, correct your problem. This has come up, before.

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eBay R8266 compatible cable (temporarily not taking orders on eBay at time of writing)


Alternative 1 cable supplier.


Alternative 2 cable supplier on Amazon


Finally as a newbie! How do I close a topic when I feel that I have had enough help!


There is no official forum 'close this thread' option. Just leave a final reply saying that you consider the subject closed. This will not stop others from still leaving further comments though. ComMods do not have access to the forum tool required to lock a thread from new posts being added.


PS - Firmware number 20 indicates that your Select is the very latest Version 2.0 Select. It does seem rather strange that you would have a Version 2.0 Select and also an Elite. Version 2.0 Selects can do about 90% of what an Elite can do.


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  • 7 months later...

Hi all. It has been a long year and now we are into 2021 hopefully an improvement!!

I have finally got hold of the right cable and we are a new setup and running well!!

Thank you all for your help, it is appreciated and the subject is now closed from my side!!


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Always pleased to hear of a positive happy outcome, even if a bit belated.

PS - Regarding my 'no lock thread tool' comment. Since your last visit this is a new forum. The 'lock thread' tool option is now available to the moderators.

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