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Hornby R8247 programming (very basic questions)

Guest Chrissaf

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I have just got a Hornby decoder to run electric points. This afternoon I tried to set up the decoder  (R8247) using my Select controller. I watched a video (since the minimal instructions are unhelpful with the real basics) which showed the process of going from Acc – Direct – CV – Write and it also said the CV to put in should be 513. I did that, then for W put in 1. At that point I think I'd followed everything correctly, but when I clicked to confirm, the light on the Select only flashed once. But apparently it should flash five times. Or have I misunderstood? Is one flash enough? And is there any way of seeing if it's worked before moving everything from the programming track to the layout?

Apologies for what will no doubt seem very basic questions. I thought getting the decoder set up would be the easy part but it turns out not to be. I would be grateful for any straightforward advice to put me on the right lines. Thanks. 

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Are you sure you have a Select (one control knob) and not an Elite (two control knobs). It's just that the Select does not have a programming output that your question text infers.


What firmware version of the Select are you using?


The very first number to briefly appear on the Select screen as you power it up is the firmware revision number.


If it is less than 16 then you cannot use CV513 ... as prior to firmware 16 the Select would not write to CVs.


If the firmware is version 16 to 20 then you can use CV513 to write addresses to a R8247. CV513 is a Group Address and your post indicates that you are trying to write a Group value of 1 .... this is not valid on a Select (any Select).


R8247 ports when used with a Select controller MUST start at DCC Address 61 which is Group Address 16 ... see table further below


So to recap ... if your Select firmware is prior to version 16 then your first port on the first R8247 needs to start at 61 and not 1 ... refer to the Select instructions page of the R8247 manual.


If your Select firmware is version 16 to 20 then you need to use CV513 Group Address 16.


Group Address  equates to (=) Port Addresses

1 = 1-4

2 = 5-8

3 = 9-12




16 = 61-64

17 = 65-68



If you do indeed have an Elite and not a Select, then you can use CV513 starting at Group Address 1 as that configuration is perfectly valid with an Elite.


PS - Out of the box the R8247 is already factory configured as CV513 Group Address 1 which = Port Addresses 1 to 4 and is 'Ready to Run' with an Elite controller.


If you genuinely have a Select and not an Elite and that your reference to 'programming track' just means a length of track that you have connected for programming purposes to the Track A&B output of the Select. Then yes you can test the R8247 operation before making any wiring changes as the R8247 is, in reality, connected to the Select Track output.

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Are you sure you have a Select (one control knob) and not an Elite (two control knobs). It's just that the Select does not have a programming output that your question text infers.


What firmware version of the Select are you using?


The very first number to briefly appear on the Select screen as you power it up is the firmware revision number.


If it is less than 16 then you cannot use CV513 ... as prior to firmware 16 the Select would not write to CVs.


If the firmware is version 16 to 20 then you can use CV513 to write addresses to a R8247. CV513 is a Group Address and your post indicates that you are trying to write a Group value of 1 .... this is not valid on a Select (any Select).


R8247 ports when used with a Select controller MUST start at DCC Address 61 which is Group Address 16 ... see table further below


So to recap ... if your Select firmware is prior to version 16 then your first port on the first R8247 needs to start at 61 and not 1 ... refer to the Select instructions page of the R8247 manual.


If your Select firmware is version 16 to 20 then you need to use CV513 Group Address 16.


Group Address  equates to (=) Port Addresses

1 = 1-4

2 = 5-8

3 = 9-12




16 = 61-64

17 = 65-68



If you do indeed have an Elite and not a Select, then you can use CV513 starting at Group Address 1 as that configuration is perfectly valid with an Elite.

Thanks very much for this. First things first. I have an Elite (two control knobs) – my stupid mistake (I used to have a Select). When it powers up, it says the version is 1.45 (and the manual is for Firmware 1.4 and above). Having given you dud information about the controller in the first place, I hope what you say about 513 being the CV to use on the Elite remains true. And then there's the flashing light question: one flash doesn't seem like enough but perhaps it is with newer versions of the controller and decoder (the video I watched was made a few years ago). I should say that I've had no problems with programming locos using the Elite, so I suspect it isn't an issue with the controller. 

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Well ... as long as your attempts to address the R8247 has not corrupted it in some way. Just try and operate port one of the R8247 using DCC Accessory Address 1. This should work, as the R8247 leaves the factory with that configuration.


If you suspect the R8247 configuration has become corrupted, then write a value of 8 to CV8 on the R8247 and that should factory reset the DCC addresses back to 1 to 4.


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Connect a solenoid point motor to port 4 of the R8247. Move the slug to the mid position then when the R8247 has programmed correctly it will fire the solenoid moving the slug to one end or the other, hence putting it in the middle to start with.


When you use the Menu Acc Direct Address method the Elite automatically caclulates the group to port number.

If you write direct to a CV then you have to do the calcs and input a group number to CV1/CV513 which are essentially the same thing. The use of CV513 is to accord with NMRA rules allowing up to 2053 addresses - I think that is the number, far more than the average layout will ever use.


Of interest is your R8247 a v1 or v2 device. The latter has a big yellow V2.0 sticker on the box. I can’t post a picture or a link to the procut page at present as both these facilities on the forum are broken.

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