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Version 1.4 Upgrade failure


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May I just place a simple few words to correct an earlier post? I can, beforehand, say that I have upgraded no fewer than twelve of these things with Win XP, Win Me (yip - remember that one?), Vista 32/64 bit and Win 7 32/64bit. No real issues apart from

a couple of minor ones with Win Vista. All cured though...
Anyway, the correction is that you do NOT have to uninstall the Hornby software or drivers to effect a fix for the 1.4 update to the Elite. Been there and not needed to do that!
If the very extensive

instructions given in a later post are followed you should be OK.
One area I will offer up info on is try not to use a USB hub to upgrade through. Two of my pals tried this - one worked and the other failed. It usually does the latter.
An explanation

of a v1.41 driver is simply that Hornby will work on an update over time and will choose to install their latest and most stable version even prior to release.
The point to that is... if they put in v1.4 and then release 1.41 very shortly after then folk

would want that version straight away ("coz it's the latest and best!") and may well muck up the install again. Thus it saves the unit going back a second time.
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From a previous post... [i]if you are having difficulties with the upgrade can I suggest that you follow the procedure above very closely and record your results against each step. Please then let Hornby Cust Care have the details of what went wrong at

which/each step.

Hornby have offered to upgrade units for users who return then to hornby but they also believe that the procedures works OK. if there is a problem in the procedure then your detailed feedback will help to get this addressed.[/i]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmmm ..... many here have recommended I dive straight into DCC by buying the Elite. I have no intention of going computerised and would wish to use the Elite as a standalone controller. So my question is, is the upgrade really necessary - what does it

fix? or is a firmware upgrade specifically for use with associated software packages, bells n whistles? Living in Thailand I will not be able to return an Elite to Hornby if it all goes T.U. Thanks for any advice.
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Hi Gordon, the Elite firmware upgrade greatly improves the Elite as a standalone controller, nothing to do with operating with a computer. It makes a lot of things just work better.
As you've yet to buy yours, you may be lucky and have it come with

the upgrade. If not, following the instructions given meticulously will probably be successful - it has been for a lot of people. Then again if not, you seem to be buying in UK so you could return to Hornby before leaving for Thailand again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I sent Hornby an email last week asking about the new firmware upgrade and Win7 compatibility and they kindly replied as follows:

Thank you for your email. At the moment we do not sell any Elite with V1.41 installed on them. The update available

on the website is V1.4 but we have a newer firmware V1.41 which will but uploaded to the website shortly. If you purchased an Elite and could get to Hornby we could update the Elite for you; or I could email you the Windows 7 instructions. Please let me know

nearer the time.

Firmware v1.41 with windows 7 support are now in the downloads section of the website. Anyone tried yet?
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  • 1 month later...
Oh dear, oh dear! I am in UK and have taken delivery of the Elite. Exactly the same issue as the original post in this thread. Green flashing light only. I followed the pdf instructions meticulously, have loaded the .net framework files, selected correct

com port. The 1.41 firmware upload completed with the red progress bar filling up onscreen and then returned an 'Update Fail' message in a pop up box. I am computer literate and I am sure I have followed all of the instructions. Have sent email to Hornby with

screen shots of the entire update attempt - watch this space! oh and yes i cannot reset to factory settings as the LCD is blank. Not a happy bunny this morning.
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GBB, did you start in Upgrade Mode - push stop button and hold, connect power, wait 15 seconds etc, as per the start of the instructions. I followed all the instructions and mine worked fine, admittedly on the 2nd attempt.
But if still a problem, then

go to Hornby.
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Hi Fishman can you please describe the error on the first attempt. Like the OP I followed all instructions exactly.
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I suspect that's all Hornby does too. I think most of those who've failed in their attempts have probably not followed the full instricutions, even if they think they have. If Hornby had any heavier duty method of forcing the update to instal, surely they'd

release it and save themselves the trouble of doing lots of people's for them.
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Well Fishman me thinks this is all a bit fishy!.... Tried it again, with a different USB cable this time and a different USB socket

on the laptop. The Elite defaulted to a different COM port and the firmware upload commenced as per instructions, the update progress bar completed and then error message pops up 'update fail'. Once again I followed ALL instructions to the letter. Have spoken

to Hornby; the technician there was very helpful. Off to see her on Monday; she says she will do the update on the spot for me within 10 minutes. Also she offered a postal option, but for time critical me I will make the trip to Margate - maybe have fish and

chips for lunch!
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Had a great run down to Margate yesterday; it was a beautiful sunny day. I was met in the Cafe by Sophie who took the unit back to her office to do the upgrade which was successful first time (took 15 minutes). Afterwards I asked her about the problem

and she mentioned that both of her 'updating PC's' worked every time but there was one other in the building that produces the same error that I and others have had. She also mentioned that other customers had persevered and the update worked after the fifth

or sixth attempt. So the issue remains a mystery to all of us and to Hornby it seems. If another update comes out I will use a different machine to my main laptop for sure.

Tested the Elite this morning and managed to run two trains simultaneously and

change loco addresses so I think I am all set. Thanks everyone here and thanks to Sophie. Proper Job!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi spider, if you have failed a number of times doing it yourself, I agree with you. If not, I suggest you try, making sure you follow the instructions meticulously. If you look at GBB's post above on his Margate trip, you can see that while there may

be some issues with the particular Windows configuration and your hardware that could affect your success, you are likely to get it done with a little perseverance.
You will always get a biased view on here as most of those who post are the ones who failed.

99% of those who are successful don't bother telling us.
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