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Programming non Hornby Locomotives

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Has anybody experienced problems with setting up a non Hornby Locomotive in Railmaster.

I am running an elink based layout with one elink driving locmotives and a second controlling points and signals. The points and signals side is working well but l seem to be having problems getting the system to recognise and operate non Hornby locomotives.

I have set up a couple of Hornby Locomotives and by selecting them from the supplied database all speeds, including a maximum speed, show on the Loco Information screen and operate as expected. I then tried to set up a Hatton 0-4-0 Barclay and l had to manually enter crusing and shunting speeds but my maximum speed went to 127 mph. selecting shunting or cruise values did not seem to control the engine speed but l could by using the slider.

I contacted Hattons who sent me CV settings for the decoders fitted to their range of engines which l entered into the CV screen and wrote to the engine. Now nothing works at all. Confusing!

Any thoughts or experiences would be apprechiated. 

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It tells you in the manual how to input non Hornby locos to the roster.


Nothing difficult about it unless it is sound in which case you have to tediously hand list all the functions from the decoder paperwork.


First thing is to make sure your decoder has been allocated an address then pick this address when you list it in RM. All you are doing in RM giving it a name, picking its address and listing any functions. You may also wish to add a picture and set cruise and shunt speeds.


If you have listed locos and they do no behave as expected then the time trodden path unfortunately is to delete them and relist from scratch.

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As I explained in my reply to your other post [almost identical to this one and considered a duplicate]. When you add a non Hornby loco, the slider displays 127 at the top. The 127 is not MPH it is 127 speed steps. So all non Hornby locos will display 127 regardless of their individual top speeds. Decoders have a maximum of 128 actual speed steps, these are [just to confuse] numbered 0 to 127


I have created a very detailed 'step by step' guide for adding non Hornby locos. It can be read on the first clickable link below. It is based upon my own experiences as the bulk of my locos are non Hornby.


The 'step by step' guide is based upon a 'sound' loco. If your decoder is not sound, then just skip over the parts of the tutorial dedicated to sound.


PS - Your particular cruise and shunt speed issue may be covered more by the second linked thread below.


Manually adding a Loco to the RM Database.



Full description of the ‘Locomotive Settings’ screen in detail.



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