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Lancaster B1 'G for George' circa 1973

Aussie Jeff

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Just a quick post on this Lancaster build for my 'Unique Flight' project. Got the kit on eBay and the contents were still in there sealed bag but the decals were pretty stuffed but I used them anyway. The raised rivets acted like a grater on them. There weren't too many build issues but kits have definitely come a long way in 50 years. The clear parts were very think and not so clear and compared to the BIII I built a while ago there was a lot less detail. I never would have been able to afford this as a kid and it was good to get a reasonable result in the end. Just don't look too close.







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I agree with T2B above. The end result looks good.

I certainly would not have given the kit a second look now there are several high quality alternatives available. There was a time where a proliferation of rivets was, to me, a big advance over the complete lack of surface detail. But when I look at things like the gun barrel thickness, the lack of internal detail, the crew shapes, then I feel I must look at the more modern editions. Just my preference, but I certainly do appreciate the efforts of those who do make these older kits.

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Thanks all! Yes, it is the Lancaster in the AWM - I'm trying to build a 1/72 example of all their aircraft, inc choppers. And with these old kits I just try my best and use the experience to build up my skills ' cause they are challenging. And as for a bit of silvering on the decals, well that's an understatement - the wing roundels were 'okay' but everything else was falling apart as I was applying it. Should have tried to get an aftermarket set but I'm impatient.

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But when I look at things like the gun barrel thickness, the lack of internal detail, the crew shapes, then I feel I must look at the more modern editions.

Yep, those machine guns look like they came off the Ark Royal, the crew needed wheelchairs or a good feed but the lack of interior detail really didn't bother me. In fact I think the cut-out paper instrument panel worked better than a nicely detailed decal in this case.  😀

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Actually I just really processed the gun barrels  😆 THOSE would scare the Bf110's away! They look like 30mm cannon. This is worth knowing about. I've got the Sunderland in my stash for a rainy day (or being locked up for 14 days because I've coughed once too often...) & I bet its not much better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

.... all those rivets!  I saw a review on Youtube where the builder re-applied these rivets where they'd been sanded off!

I like the old Airfix Bomber Command kits - I am not a 'rivet counter' (just as well given the finish of the kits!) and always thought they make nice models.  Although don't assume they are easy to assemble - they require care, particularly in the alignment of parts!

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