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Zero she flies


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The title is not a reference to Al Stewart (showing my age there), but rather a way of introducing my recent build of the 1/72 scale Mitsubishi Zero. 

First of all, here's a picture of where it finished:


I started of course with the cockpit, and drilled out the lightening holes before assembly:


Then the cockpit was assembled and painted. To get somewhere near the the correct colour (mind you, who knows what that actually is...) I added a few drops of RLM yellow to Vallejo IAF Grey Green. The instrument panel decal was, I thought, really good and the only addition was the rather cumbersome looking but I hope reasonably accurate wide leather and canvas lap belt.



Weathering and grime was added using a mixture of Burnt Umber and Black wash:


The wheels wells were painted using a mixture of Vallejo metallic blue, a few drops of green and a dash of Aluminium to lighten it, in order to try and get an idea of the Aotake finish:


And I really didn't want to cover up the engine, which - for this scale - had some lovely detail:


Before adding the cockpit, I tried to get a picture showing the cockpit and gun platform detail - but it's a bit out of focus I'm afraid:


So here are a couple of pictures of the finished model:




And just to finish up with, here's another one I made earlier - but this one was a different paint scheme, being all-over IJN Grey/Green. All the painting of both models was with a brush, using Vallejo Model Air acrylic.



Not sure which paint scheme I prefer...

Thanks for taking a look at my efforts.

























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