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Great sales news from Hornby


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It is good to see Hornby doing well, too many iconic companies have disappeared. Running any business is not a simple or easy task - you live or die according to your tactics and decisions. listening to your customers (within reason) is always a smart tactic, but are customers becoming too demanding? 

I am fortunate enough to have the skills and intelligence to solve my own problems and surely that is part of having a hobby of any sort? The few problems I have had with Hornby are usually resolved with civillised communication and feedback on how to possibly fix it. I find their products quite satisfactory (not necessarily always perfect) otherwise I would not buy them. 

As for RAF96's comments, there are people (including him) on this forum who quite obviously dedicate a lot of time and effort researching other peoples problems. Personally I don't know how they find the time to do the wonderful things they do. I for one would like to thank them. It is easy to find fault and criticize but surely the best way forward is with a positive and cooperative attitude to solving problems.

Take it easy Guys.

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@Chatlford To get information when we have to fix them, as you are beginning to realise from the subject you last posted is very relevant. Unless you are very lucky you are also going to find one of my bug bearers, getting replacement parts. Nobody is knocking Hornby, they are just being realistic, how are we to know that they didn't make that profit from the paints and Airfix kits they sell, or Scalextric. I would suspect it is a lot easier to make a can of paint than a highly detailed loco. Hornby doesn't only do trains, they do significantly more, they are a multidisciplined company. Incidentally I quite like Hornby steam locos and Skaledale buildings.

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 So if I challenge a statement from Hornby, comment on thier quality control and the lack of critical spares I am a whinger, childish/lmmature and a Hornby knocker? As for the latter, I reiterate my my regard for Hornby staff and suggest you read my closing comments again.

As a community moderator I was astounded that you would make such a generic personal attack on those members that took the time to post and perhaps you should consider that perhaps this is the reason you are losing members?

This part of the forum is for general comments and as such is the appropriate place to post concerns about the product/company as well as praise. If you do not want balanced dialogue then I suggest you rename it The Hornby Appreciation Forum then you can ignore all criticism and the many issues facing Hornby customers as do Hornby senior management.                                                                                                                                          I am not a Hornby knocker but. Over the last two years I have had so much faulty product straight from the box that I felt motivated to write to the Hornby CEO. I praised the product generally, the fact that the select  controller and TTS enabled dcc sound to be available at an affordable price point but expressed concern at the lack of quality control whilst heaping praise on the Techs at Hersden for thier support. As a loyal Hornby customer I expressed concern over the long term viability of Hornby if the situation continued.                           The response, NOTHING. Mr Davies did not even have the curtesy to acknowledge my e mail. Where else do you suggest I bring these matters ( and poor motors and lack of spares is a real issue ) if not on this forum?

Finally, and as I perceive my input  may not always be viewed by you as “Positive” it will be my last (another member gone!), I also post on RM web and if you look at the posts concerning S15 motors you will see that only recently I defended Hornby customer support and Techs at Hersden who have provided exceptional support. Balance makes for a positive forum!

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@Anry Man I did wonder about that email as well, but I let it go. I hate to say it, but has anyone looked at these profits as a percentage of turnover? We could only find figures for 2018 at a quick surf in the pub, but they definitely turn over a lot of money (in 2018 with a big loss). As I have said previously many of us are on this site to get information and to enpart information. As to the other post that people at Hornby get upset at the negative posts, I doubt it, I used to work for a company that regularly got bad press even though it was often wrong, you just accept it and move on The thing that is a bit worrying is at the moment is I am thnking of buying a new diesel, the choice is a Hornby class 50 or a Bachmann class 66, one I know has quality issues and is £40.00 more expensive than the other. As I said in my previous mails I suspect that profit came from non related railway items (paints, models etc.).

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I just want to say (& may be add!!!) that yes I may not be as experienced as some of the other folk on here but I do like to try & help others as the best as I can & I always enjoy taking photos & posting them on here on the Hornby Forum!!!  😀

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Just heard a piece on Radio 4's You and Yours with Pete Waterman, Dave Myres of the Hairy Bikers and a 19 year old boy discussing how railway modelling has helped them in lockdown. They started by discussing Hornby's recent good news. Worth a listen if you have the means.

For those interested you catch up the You and Yours programme using the following link.  Skip to 15:30 minutes in:


It might be not be available to users outside the UK however.


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