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Duchess of Montrose - will only run without tender


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Hi  I have had the above loco for some time now and I fitted a decoder to it more or less from the beginning.  It has always been a good runner until last week when it suddenly stopped.  On close examination I discovered that one of the wheel linkages had broken off its rivet type fitting and jammed.  Sorted that out and expected it to run but alas no.   After some time playing around I discoverd if I removed the tender (only has pickups) and it worked perfectly.  Reconnected the tender and will not work.  I thought of a cross wire but the elite did not short out. When you place pin of tender into the reception area on error quite often you got a short but when connected no problem.   I have taken the tender to bits but all the wires and connections seem normal.   I have taken the body off the engine and no obvious problems with the wires which I did not expect as engine runs no problem.   I am confused.com  Any ideas please  thanks Malcolm

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I am not sure from your description whether you have checked the positioning of the two finger contacts on the upper face of the loco drawbar - these should make contact with the metal plate surrounding the tender pin without touching the pin.  Also, as the tender chassis is metal, are any of the wheel pick-ups touching it?

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On my Duchesses I managed to get hold of the later tender bottom which has the cutout for the 4 pin socket. I then rewired it so that the DCC socket was in the tender and it had the later 4 wire connector, getting rid of of the finger connections. Sadly I think the tender bottoms don't seem to be around now.

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Thanks everyone.  I have checked above as you describe but cannot see anything obvious.  As I say when tender connected the elite does not go into error mode.  I  will follow each wire again as got to be something to do with the tender when connecting.   Still cannot find the logic though why engine runs no problem without tender but not with.    I will need a bigger magnifier I think    thanks again for taking the time to respond



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I have had another look tonight but nothing at all obvious...  Engine working fine on its own and whilst I have had the body off that I saw nothing that would link with the tender stopping it running.  Think perhaps time to retire it from service   Malcolm

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Hi Sorry I misread the question in that I was concentrating on the tender problem and not the fixed linkeage.  No I no need to take it apart as I just disconnected the broken link from the wheel which rectified the problem and of course loco is running fine on own.  I did take body off to see if any wires leading to the tender coupling had broken or whatever but they were all intact thanks Malcolm

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Hi Sorry I misread the question in that I was concentrating on the tender problem and not the fixed linkeage.  No I no need to take it apart as I just disconnected the broken link from the wheel which rectified the problem and of course loco is running fine on own.  I did take body off to see if any wires leading to the tender coupling had broken or whatever but they were all intact thanks Malcolm

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In that case it seems the problem must lie in the tender but I am puzzled as to why it should when the problem that caused the loco & tender to stop running affected only the loco.  Try running the tender with another loco to see whether you encounter the same problem.  The only other thought: when you tried running the loco after repairing it, is it possible that you paired the loco with the tender from another loco - it is not unknown for the wiring to be reversed between different releases of the same class of loco.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi  Thanks very much.  I tried to run with another loco but do not have one that it will fit.  It is the correct tender.  Made it a static display now but I hate things which dont seem logical.   I did think of by passing the pin and wiriing straight to tender. thanks again Malcolm

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