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RailMaster - loco list issue

Guest Chrissaf

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My loco lists dissapeared when I copied the file to my USB Stick and when copied back still indicated no locos?

I set about redoing the files and when trying to load the cv'so it would not read any?

I can write cv'so individually but will not save the railmaster window.  Also it then comes up as a short circuit which sometimes clears and sometimes not, which means I have to restart the software and turn the power off to the elink box,

Has this anything to do with the 'ini' file?

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Unlike questions about hardware, questions about software need questions that are articulated with total clarity of meaning. There are just too many screens in RailMaster and variables to consider, such that vague questions just do not give enough information.


What were you trying to do prior to, and leading up to this issue?


My loco lists dissapeared when I copied the file to my USB Stick and when copied back still indicated no locos?


What file? please be specific by naming it.


For information, the locos are contained in the file "resource.mdb". Is this the file your question relates to.


I set about re-doing the files and when trying to load the CVs, it would not read any?


Please expand on exactly what you mean by this statement. What do you mean by "re-doing the files"? What do you mean by "trying to load the CVs"? What screen were you in were you say "it would not read any"?


Also it then comes up as a short circuit which sometimes clears and sometimes not, which means I have to restart the software and turn the power off to the eLink box,

Has this anything to do with the 'ini' file?


The 'short circuit' issue comes up quite often on the forum and is something that usually requires a .INI file tweak to fix. Look to the image below. If you can see the oblong box highlighted in the image, then your .INI file is OK. If you can't see the oblong box, then a .INI file tweak will fix it.


If you confirm that the oblong box is not present, then I will tell you how to fix it.




If you can see the little oblong box, then the next time you get a 'short circuit on screen notification' in RailMaster, then click the oblong box. This will reset RailMaster and the eLink box without having to turn off the power and restart it.


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Particularly as my reply includes an image, using the 'Blue Button' may result in your reply being held back for image approval, even though it is an existing image.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum.





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Thank you for your response, the files are:

RESOURCE and Resource.

If I need to back up the locos are these the files to copy?

I am puzzled as to why simply copying these loco files to a USB stick has affected the programme.

The 'reloading' was simply copying the 'copied' files back to their original place in the pc, but to no avail.

Also, have I copied the correct files for my layout, these are PLN & PRG files.

I have now placed different locos onto the programming track and the cv reading was no problem, however, the two locos that I was trying to change the cv's are still a problem.

What I was trying to do was to place 2 number Bachmann class 105 2 car DMU's together with the power ends at each end. This meant I had to change one unit to the cv29 'reverse' setting to be able to double head them.

One unit has a Hornby Sapphire chip, the other a Bachmann ES 36-553.

Neither will now not read but surprisingly I can write to them. They run ok  but when placed back on the programme track, will not read.

When switching back, this is when the elink shorts out.

I hope this makes sense to you.

Many thanks.

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The reason the loco list was ‘lost‘ on transfer to the USB stick is that RM programming looks for these files in a native C drive environment, not a plug in drive which could be any drive port nomination according to how your PC is set up and with what peripherals.


For  those awkward locos, perform a decoder reset on each in turn by writing value 8 to CV8. Then im immediately write the new address without reading any CVs.


At the moment does RM identify these decoders correctly in CV7 and Cv8 at read-back. E.g. Sapphire is 048 Hornby Hobbies and 10 which is Sappire code. I don’t know the B’mann codes.

If not then you can double click CV8 and select the right decoder from the drop down list.

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Thanks, I will try this.

Regarding the saving of locos onto a usb,  if I change my computer, how does saving your layout/locos work when I deselect & re select the Railmaster onto a new PC? 

I assume thst it is this the same issue for the layout file?

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My comment was that you cannot operate RM from a USB stick as it is programmed to look on a C Drive for support files. 

You can of course copy files to a USB for transfer between PCs.

The critical event is to deregister RM on the old PC before trying to reregister on the new PC.

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