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Wheels don't rotate. Hornby, OO Gauge, City Of Liverpool, R.2041.


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Hi,  I have been offered a Model Locomotive, Hornby, OO Gauge, City Of Liverpool, R.2041.

Been told the its tender driven,  however the locomotive front part wheels don't revolve freely on a track.

What could this mean, will. It be a problem. What could be causing non rotation of wheels. Margate made 97.

Any ideas please 


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If it is difficult or impossible for the driving wheels to be rotated by hand, probably some part of the valvegear is jamming on another part as all the rods move around eachother.  One wheelset may have gone out of quarter but a coupling rod would have come out of the wheel if that has happened.  If the driving wheels rotate freely, possibly the front bogie link to the chassis has been bent downwards so more of the loco's weight is being carried by the bogie, reducing the contact between the driving wheels and the rails.  Or dirt and old congealed lubricant are stopping the axles turning.  

If it is the bogie wheels that are not turning, either the bogie link arm has been bent upwards reducing the pressure of those wheels on the rails, there is dirt on the axles or the wheels are set too wide - they should be set at 14.5mm between the inside faces of the wheels.

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I agree with Going Spare, I had enormous issues with a couple of my Duchesses, the wheels in my case rotated, but once on the track they just slid along. Eventually I traced it to the valve gear and cylinder block. If it does not line up nicely, then that is what happens.

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I would be confirming if possible that it is indeed tender drive and not loco drive. One indicator is relative weight of loco and tender. The other way is to remove the lower chassis plate which usually acts as a keeper for the loco drivers. This will show if there is any gearing within the loco.


Are the drivers solid likely due to congealed lube or can you rock them slightly either way, the latter indicating the presence of gears or jamming motion or valve gear.


Of course if you cannot get hands on with the model then none of the above is viable and you have to take the offer as is.

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