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DCC fitted Triang DMU bogie buzzes before setting off


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I have just fitted a DCC chip to an old Triang motor bogie (on a Blue Pullman), and while it runs quite well it tends to sit and bus for a few seconds before moving off (note I have set the accelleration to zero).


As the lenth of time that the motor buzzed was reduced after lubricating I am guessing that the start voltage is not quite high enough. Could someone therefore remind me which CV I need to tinker around with and what its default value would be.


Many thanks



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CV2 is the one to change. Try a value of 1 and if the loco does not move off smartly as soon as the throttle is moved, then try value 2 and so on until the kick is enough to reliably get the loco going as soon as you move the throttle. The loco should stop with the throttle set back to zero.


Once you have CV2 set then you can adjust CV3 - acceleration to suit the way you like your locos to speed up. Value 5 is the default for most decoders. Ditto CV4 - deceleration.

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