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Converting from DC to DCC


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I am about to take the plunge and convert my layout from DC to DCC.  I have chosen to use the Hornby Elite controller for this.

In terms of the conversion I am about to order the Elite, point clips, decoders and a DCC power track.  

Now I am totally new to DCC - in terms of the conversion is it really as simple of removing all the DC controllers, inserting the DCC power track, inserting point clips on each point and adding the decoder to my loco and then programming it?  I am running quite a simple circuit which is 9ft x 6ft and comprises of three loops with curved points connecting the outer and middle circuits and and a RH point linking to the inner circuit.  Outer and inner circuits have sidings branching off them for loco and wagon / coach storage.

One thought I had was - is one feed from the controller sufficient here or do I need to add additional power clips and wires to link the three loops together?

Any advise would be gratefully received.



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Have a read of Chapter 6 of my downloadable 'Getting Started' PDF document. This will answer most questions.


If you use the DCC point clips, then you won't need to also wire your loops together ... unless the loops are currently isolated using insulating track joiners at the loop cross-over points.


My document can be downloaded from the 2nd sticky post down located at the top of the 'General Discussion' forum index page.

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Essentially you have it as described.


In practice rather than rely totally on point clips to distribute power from one power track connection you should consider either soldering link wires between loops - matching rail to rail obviously or you can use two more power tracks or even link wires although these latter items are not so reliable and also need the capacitors removed for DCC use.


If going down the three loop power route (as well as point clips) then you can either run all three feeds into the Elite or more conveniently run the three feeds into a local terminal block and have a single feed cable back the the Elite.


You may also like to read the excellent Guide to Track Extensions downloadable from the sticky post in the General Discussion section which covers linking loop to loop arrangments for DC and DCC.

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Thank you for your replies these are really useful.

I don't have any isolating rails or insulating track joiners so it may be that the one power feed onto the layout combined with point clips may be sufficient here - the circuits are really not that big and I don't intend to probably run more than three / four locos at a time. 

I'll give it a go and if I start to note drops in power across the layout I can introduce additional feeds as required.  I know the Elite comes with a 4amp plug so I believe there should be enough power coming onto the layout to do what I am looking for - run the trains and have some parked up ones with their lights on and eventually power the point motors from the Hornby accessory modules.


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4.0Amp Power supply will be more than adequate. 

As a "Rule of Thumb" consider modern locos, not sound fitted, to consume approx. 200 to 250miliamps (0.2A to 0.25A) each when running and more current if pulling a large heavy load, and around 5-10millamp (0.005A to 0.01A) when stationary. Turn on any lights and that then increases by approx.10ma to 20 milliamps (0.01A to 0.02A).  For sound locos with their sounds On add around 100ma to 150ma (0.1A to 0.15A) to the basic load..  These are rough averages and some locos will consume less while others considerably more current, especially those of older stock where Ringfield and XO3/XO4 motors are used.

So as you can see 4.0AAmp (4000 milliamps) will technically power around 16 none sound fitted locos all running a once. But in reality this would never occur. 

BTW. I have difficulty keeping control of three locos all moving at once, four would send my pea brain into a terminal nose dive!  😮

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