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ARC One - Unpowered Race Tile lane (temporary)


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Hi all, 

I have a (temporary) issue when racing with a ARC One track. Sometimes within racing  one lane of a straigth track seems to be unpowered. So the slotcar goes in but stops halfway within the track. The other car/lane can continue without any issue. 

Interestingly this issue occurs after several laps/minutes of racing - but of course then the race is ruined.The rest of the track is fine.  We observed the issue but didn´t find a pattern yet. 

We tried to fix it so far:

- Changing the cars.

- Cleaning the track.

- Removing the track part and connect it again


The track itself is approx. 9 m/30 ft. During last Xmas season we could run a track double length with the same ARC unit without any issue. We race analogue cars. 

I ask the community for additional hints how to solve this! Thx

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First check out this:


especially about the tabs needing tightening...

If it persists then make the smallest oval possible with the offending pieces and see if by then taking the offending piece out if the problem goes away.

If not then there is likely a fault in the powerbase. You can open it up without voiding the warranty and check for loose connections.

If the problem goes away by removing the offending piece then there is something dodgy about it and need closer inspection.

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