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Decoder fitting to Beatles Yellow Submarine Eurostar


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just wondering if anyone else has undertaken this yet?

I've removed the two screws and lifted off the body on the driving car.  The blanking plate is the middle of the chassis, this has lifted out fine.  Issue is I'm not sure which socket is number 1 for the orange pin.  Usually the socket but this does not seem to be.  

Any suggestions?


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Apologies the final sentence is appalling - should say that usually the socket is marked but in this case it is'nt.

As this model does not have any lights I think I might be right in saying that it does not overly matter which way the decoder is fitted.  However if there is a correct way of fitting the decoder I would like to follow that route.


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Use this image to identify Pin 8 [opposite Pin 1]. You will need a multimeter to measure resistance. Pin 8 will have near zero measured resistance with the right side wheels of the loco. If you haven't got a meter, then if possible trace the right wheels pickup wire back to the socket and see where it terminates.




The right side wheels is the right side of the loco from the perspective of a driver facing forward and looking out of the cab in the loco forward direction. Remember when the loco is rotated upside down [held in hand with front facing forward], that right becomes left.


If the decoder 8 pin connector is inserted the wrong way round [without lights] then the loco will travel in the opposite direction to that commanded. In which case, just turn the decoder round the other way.


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It doesn't matter which way round the decoder is fitted if there are no lights.  If, however, you find it runs the opposite way compared to other locos, then fitting the decoder the other way round will correct it.


Chris posted while I was typing.

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See the service sheet image I posted in the other Eurostar post.



You can easily track the 1 pin as it goes to the motor. The track connections both have double wires from the bogie pairs. The red track wire would be the right hand wheels facing forward, albeit Hornby wires most locos in all black wire. From there you can follow Chris’ socket colour coding.

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The problem with using the wires to the motor as the Pin 1 indicator is that Pin 5 diagonally opposite also goes to the motor. Thus either opposite corner [Pin 1 or Pin 5] could still be incorrectly identified as Pin 1. Deciding which side of the motor is left and right, can in some motor orientations be a little bit more difficult. Ringfields for example have the motor terminals on the side. Some other motors have terminals top and bottom. Using the right side wheels [Pin 8] as the Pin 1 location indicator can potentially reduce the scope for error.

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Hence why I recommended seeking out the right rail and associating that to the red pin, then by reference to the socket colour code Pin 1 can be ascertained. As you say there is no apparent standard for which is Motor A and which is Motor B - top or bottom, left or right brush.

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