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running lights reversed


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I know the answer has been posted before, but I can't find it! (sorry!)
I've got a Derby lightweight two-car dmu, DCC ready, and I've fitted the loksound chip to the 'power' car. (The chip is bigger than the recess machined in, and there is nowhere

for the speaker, but that's irrelevant) The dummy/trailer car requires a separate 8 pin chip, which I have fitted, but the head/tail lights work the wrong way around. How do I reset the chip so they work - red at the back!?

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Plugging a decoder in the wrong way around won't cause the lights to be wrong. Normally if the decoder is fitted the wrong way they just wont work at all!

A lot depends on the DCC control system being used as some (e.g. Select) cannot set

CVs directly.

If you're a Select user you can change the normal direction of travel on the rear cab only (which corrects the lights) by placing that end unit only onto the programming track section and follow the instructions on the Selects manual page

12 "Correcting Locomotive Direction"
If you have a DCC console that allows CVs to be read (Elite) then read CV29 value and add 1 (one) to the value read initially.
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Sorry - yes, it's an Elite, and there is no motor in the trailer car, just lights. I don't think the chip is plugged in backwards, as the cab light comes on on command, it is just the running lights that are reversed. CV29 looks the way to go.
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