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Beatles TTS

Peter Stiles

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Well that sounded far more positive than I was expecting!

Given the "Advise on decoder for my Beatles Eurostar" message in the DCC forum, do we have some way of jumping up and down shouting at Hornby "please please please?"

I do, however, fear that "licensing" is the biggest cost in the way of this idea :(

Maybe best to just put the record on the player when I start the train... The record player is a few rooms away so I won't have to crank up the volume too much to hear it from the train room... I'm sure the next door neighbours won't mind too much.

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Write to Hornby - Simon Kolher is always on the box saying ‘...tell me what you want...’ - e.g. his recent YT live Q&A session. You can find his email address on a recent Engine Shed blog.


Hornby must have arranged a licence to use the artwork so doing the same for a snatch of the song would not be beyond their legal team, possibly covered by an existing Performing Rights Society licence if they pipe music around the works or canteen.

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