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Digiservo DR4024 problem.

Guest Chrissaf

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I notice in the online manual that the DR4024 has a separate input power supply in addition to the DCC signal input for control.


If I assume that you throw a master power switch to fire everything up, then it is logical to assume that the operating power is applied to the DR4024 long before the DCC signal input has either appeared or stabilised.


On the other hand, the erratic behaviour may be due to the unstable DCC signal input whilst RailMaster is still in the process of starting.


The first thing you need to diagnose, is what one of these two possible conditions is causing the erratic behaviour.


Is it having operating power on the input when there is no stable DCC signal also present.


Or is it the instability on the DCC signal during the RailMaster loading process.


One way to confirm this would be to disconnect the DCC signal input completely and then power up the DR4024 with just its operating supply connected. If it is now stable, you know it is the DCC starting up that is the issue. If it still behaves erratically with no DCC signal input connected, then you know that just having supply power connected without a valid DCC signal is the issue.


Once you have identified which of the two feeds [power or signal] is causing the problem, then the simplest solution is probably to route the problem feed into the DR4024 via a DPST switch. Then you could wait for RailMaster to fully load and start up, before throwing the switch to put the DR4024 into its normal operational powered up state.


If you are using the DCC feed for both signal and power [both inputs wired in parallel to the DCC track supply], then I still feel that routing that common supply/signal input via a DPST switch and delaying the powering up of the DR4024 until RM has stabilised is likely to offer a workable solution.


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I have digiservo DR4024 operating servo motors for signals. Everything is fine once Railmaster is boot up. However prior to that the certain servos try to operate incorrectly after powering up my Elink and whilst waiting for Railmaster to boot up. Once Railmaster is active the strange activity stops and I have to reset certain signal which have ended up in streange positions. Any thought on what is going on and how to stop it..

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