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Movement of control panels when operating RailMaster

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Hi everyone. I have a New HP Note Book Computer bought just used for the RailMaster Program.I have only one problem that I cannot solve which is most annoying. everything works fine for 90% of the time. I am using a mouse to control the locos and not the touch pad and the problem is as follows. I may have 4 trains running at the same time using the the train control panels and I go to stop a loco  by clicking on the stop button for that Loco the computer responds with a sound and the loco carries on running, so when I look back at the screen the control panels have moved down the screen perhaps two panels and I then have to move the panels up the screen to get to the panel to stop the Loco. I have tried Mouse and pad setting and have improved the situation but cannot solve the problem  completely. after 6 monthes reading of forums, watching, Utube etc, I beg for yuor Help 

Thank  Flatpak.   

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From your description, it sounds like you are controlling your locos using the vertical column of small loco throttles on the far right hand side.


Are you aware that if you click the 'sweet spot' on any of the small throttles it opens up to a large throttle that always remains visible and doesn't move around on its own. Thus it doesn't slip off the bottom of the visible screen.


With RailMaster standard edition, only one large throttle can be opened. With RailMaster PRO, then two large throttles can be opened.


Clicking the same 'sweet spot' on the large throttle, closes it back down to being a small throttle again.


Yes, it is a few extra mouse clicks, but by making the loco you want to control at that time a 'large throttle' the issue of having the right hand side vertical column scrolling off screen is less of an issue.


So where is this 'sweet spot' I hear you ask. The location is the same, but the graphic displayed varies with which colour scheme theme is implemented. In the example below, I have marked the 'sweet spots' with green boxes. The blue ring inside the green box is representing a 'Magnifying Glass' in this particular colour theme. The other themes use a 'Fingerprint' instead of a 'Magnifying Glass', but the function of the 'sweet spot' graphic is the same.




The large throttle also gives access to all 28 Functions, whereas the small throttle can only show 6. Using the large throttle is key to controlling sound locos which invariably use up to all 28 functions.


The vertical right hand side column of small throttles is meant to be used primarily for loco selection, and although the small throttle does offer some loco control functions, it is the large throttle that is supposed to be used the bulk of the time. With each 'large throttle' selected 'as an when' needed by clicking the 'sweet spot'. Personally, I find the large throttle is more reliable at controlling locos and stopping them.


If you are already using the large throttle, then have you considered using the 'Quick Loco Select' feature. I assume you have more than 5 locos in your loco list roster, else the right hand vertical list wouldn't scroll a long way off the bottom of the page. When you have 5 or more locos configured in the roster. The RailMaster 'Quick Loco' selection feature becomes available to you to use.


Read page 52 of the RailMaster manual [note the reference to 'scrolling the loco area' highlighted in yellow] ... extract in image further below:


Read the whole text in this screen shot extract carefully. I believe the features it offers you are a real viable solution to your issue as reported. Note also the comment about the 'Quick Selected Loco' being moved to the top of the loco list area, making it easier to find and select.






TIP: As a newbie poster on the forum, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image, using the 'Blue Button' may result in your reply being held back for image approval, even though it is an existing image.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum. TIPs include 'How to post images' and 'How to make links clickable'.



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There was (and maybe still is) an old problem where the cursor would stick to the throttle and as you moved away with the mouse the throttle followed the cursor over the screen.


If so have you got the very latest version of RM installed - regardless of if the version number at bottom right of screen appears to match the version in the download link.

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I always suffered with this problem and, even though I have the latest version, it has not completely gone away (though it does happen far less frequently now). I have to right click on the mouse to release the window then drag it back to where it should be!


As for selecting which loco the large throttle window should be controlling, rather than using the "Quick Loco Select" feature, I click in the 'Loco DCC ID:'  window then type in the number of the loco I wish to control (I have a bookmark-shaped list next to my laptop).  I find this quick and convenient. NOTE: It's necessary to type the leading zeros.


But, oh how I wish I could rearrange the order of function keys in the large window so that the ones I use most are at the top. There doesn't seem to be any logic or consistency to the order (though I realise that the ones I've selected to appear in the small throttle windows do seem to appear at the top - I think!).

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In the large throttle you can get the most used functions to sit at the top, as you say - if in the loco setup screen function list you tick those (up to 6) functions of choice and they will appear in the small throttle and also at the top of the large throttle screen.


Other functions seem to list in strict alpha-numeric not pure numeric order (1, 10, 2, 20, 3, etc,) and the F-nos do not always show in full in the button face so you have to rely on the description.


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Hi Chrissaf.

Thank you for your very comprehensive reply to my problem and the time you spent doing it I am very grateful. I have been a little while in replying as I found what I thought was going to fix it, which was, I found a program on my H.P. note book laptop which allows you to disable the touch pad. There is no mention of this program in the HELP FILES telling you how to disable the touch pad. This may be of use to all Those using H.P. Computers.                                   

Having disabled the touchpad, I spent two hours running 4 locos and hey presto I had no problems and thought I had solved the problem. Saturday 12 morning, I went on the layout to prove that I had and found the problem but it was still there but it is much better, 99 operations to 1 failed or even less than that. I have two columns of control panels with 13 locos in total of which I would may have 3 from the top of list and 1 enlarged from the bottom of the list, and the problem can occur using the enlarged control panel. I have windows update set to manual because I thought this might be the problem and have had the hour glass icon coming up when doing a command with no effect but suddenly when doing any command on any panel the panels will scroll down the page instead of carrying out the command. I also have another Elite controller which is brand new and have tried the unit and get the same results. My guess is the computer does something and if I happen to hit a control button at the same time it jumps down the page. I will keep trying, and if I find a cure, I will let you know.

Thanks again for your help and also thanks to RAF 96 for his input.

I’m working on


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You can re-order the position of locos in your roster.

(Thanks to Chris for the use of his illustration and explanation which I quote below).


According to the RM manual and you have a touch screen, you can fast scroll the loco list using a 'flick' action, but the manual goes on to say if you want to change the order of the locos in the list you use the main 'Loco Settings' screen and use the up and down arrows in the bottom left corner.


So for example, if you want to move the loco highlighted in green box to the top of the list, you would highlight it, then use the bottom left corner up arrow to move it up.

Pages 46 and 47 of the manual refers.


Once you are happy click the green tick and the on screen roster will re-sort itself to match.

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I've noticed the problem described by Flatpack. I use only the small throttles, with 8 locos arranged in two columns so that scrolling is needed to see the last two. Occasionally when clicking a loco control such as a stop button, the panel scrolls rather than acting on the button press. I don't think that the scroll bar is the standard Windows control, because it doesn't respond to the mouse wheel. I suspect that the scroll bar control is occasionally 'capturing' the mouse and responding to it even when it has been moved away from the scroll bar. I think the problem only happens after the scroll bar has been used in a session.


So I think it's a bug in RM, rather than a problem with your PC, Flatpack.


Regards, John

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