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e-link not connecting after RM Upgrade

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I've been running an e-link on a Win 7 PC with an older version of RM (Pro) (around 5 years old) for several years, been working OK. Today I upgraded to RM version 1.73 and now the e-link won't connect at all. I've checked the ports between Device Manager and RM (USB2 on port Com 3) and have deleted and updated the USB port drivers as suggested and other posts.

One difference I have noticed is that when RM starts, the green e-link power light goes off for 20 seconds and then comes back on - the old version of RM did not do this.

Any thoughts ?   Thx   Wayne R.



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One difference I have noticed is that when RM starts, the green e-link power light goes off for 20 seconds and then comes back on....


A well documented issue and resolved following the fix documented below:


The new version of RailMaster requires the 'railmaster.ini' file to be tweaked when using the eLink.


Open the 'railmaster.ini' file editor. Bluish COG icon in the bottom left of the RailMaster 'Help Screen'. Follow the 'on-screen prompts'.


Look for the line "Reset eLink on Start=1"


Edit the =1 value to =0


Save the edit and restart RailMaster and the issue should be resolved.


I just hope that your tinkering with drivers and com ports has not introduced some configuration corruption that upsets the documented fix above. The first 'port of call' when faced with RailMaster issues, should ideally be this forum before trying to fix it yourself and potentially making things worse. But hopefully, no damage has been done to your configuration and the fix above will work.


If it doesn't provide a complete fix. There maybe other .INI file tweaks that need to be done as well, as your previous RM version appears from your post to be about 5 years old, so you might have missed out other fixes that have been doumented on the forum during the last 5 years.


TIP: As a newbie poster on the forum, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum. TIPs include 'How to post images' and 'How to make links clickable'.



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Excellent..... My 9 year old son and myself thank you all - all working again. It was just the Restart parameter in the INI file. Even got speech recognition working too ! (little flakey at first, but I'm sure Voice is going to add an extra dimension and help the the kid's love of model rail & DCC). Thanks Again ! 

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