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Changing an ini file value

Guest Chrissaf

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The answer to the CDU  is answered here where you previously asked the question.



There are two settings for solenoids. One is the pulse time which is set on the programming track when you set up the associated accessory decoder. This is default at 100mS but can be adjusted to as long as 25.5 seconds. The recommned limit is 800mS but the internal capacitors will only discharge until depleted as explaind by Chris in the other thread.

The second setting is the interval between points firing which is an .ini file setting, as is specifying single or double pulse. I don’t have the RM manual on hand from the iPad, so cannot check exactly what this is. Such an interval can also be regulated if using programs to set your points in RM.

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I want to increase the charge up time of my Hornby R8247 decoders, the default is 0.75 please what should I increase it to?

or should I add a CDU to give them more power?

using: PL11's & Railmaster

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See Page 32 of the RailMaster manual --- extract below.




The points timer default is 0.75 seconds. But this .INI file value only comes into play if you're operating a number of points rapidly.


So, say for example you fire a single point, then you don't operate another for 7.5 seconds. In that scenario the .INI point timer has absolutely no effect whatsoever on charging the CDUs inside the R8247, because 7.5 seconds is 10 times longer than the 0.75 default setting. So the CDU inside the R8247 has 7.5 seconds given to it to recharge.


Thus, in normal RailMaster operation where you are operating points manually [not using the routes feature] then this timer .INI file value is very unlikely to have any effect. Most 'users' would struggle to manually operate points from the RailMaster screen faster than 0.75 of a second between points.


However, assuming that you have configured the 'Set points on start up' parameter in the 'System Setting' screen to 'enabled' [which is beneficial and normal for most 'users']. Then the 'Points Timer' .INI file value setting will come into play, because RailMaster will use this .INI file value to time the sequential operation of your points during this initial one off event start up phase.


If you set the timer too long, then your RailMaster starting up time will increase proportionally as a result. So you certainly don't want to increase the 0.75 value too far.


I suggest that it is not increased beyond 1.5 seconds. But even this will double the 'points setting part' of the start up time of RailMaster starting.This will also severely affect the default 'double pulse' setting in RailMaster, if the .INI file value is increased too far as well.


I stress, that unless you are operating point sequentially in a rapid manner, adjusting this timer is not going to give you a solution to your basic PECO PL-11 point motor operation issue.


My rationale for that statement is ... if after allowing 20-30 seconds charge time, there is still not enough power to operate even a single PL-11 point motor. Then it is illogical to assume that increasing the timer period will make any difference.


I gave you the best solution possible in my reply to your other thread that Rob has linked to in his reply above.


And just to stress and clarify again. You cannot add an extra CDU directly to a R8247. It has to be added via external componentry and power source as fully described in the other thread.



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