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tts not working after renumbering on prog track


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I have railroad flying scotsman factory fitted with tts it was working fine both on dc &dcc, I reprogrammed running number from 03 to 4472 and now it will not operate on dcc. have checked dc and is running fine, I am using prodigy Advance which is working fine with other locos. When checking number on prog track it comes up as 4472. have tried re setting to03 but it will not reprogramme.

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Reset the TTS decoder by writing value 8 to CV8. That should put it all back to factory settings on address 03. If it doesn’t work then it is likely duff. You may have to reset several times to get it to ‘stick’.

Does your controller support long addressing and if so do you have to manually select long addressing in CV29. Many controllers do the CV29 bit automatically if you write a long address.

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I am a PA2 user and there is no need to do anything other than input the correct address number once the "Loco" button has been selected to control the loco.

Setting address to anything from 1 to 9999 will have no effect on the decoders ability to work on DC that's controlled by CV29. 

Note the TTS decoder is not one of the best all round sound decoders available and has a rather lot of "quirks". But its OK and serves a low budget use.

If you're unable to reset to default settings including address back to 3 or address the decoder to a new number then I try doing it on the main instead of the programming track, as that then uses full power to programme unlike the programming track where a low current is used. However, always as a precaution remove all other locos form the main tracks before undertaking a reset or programming address etc. Better safe than have all locos reprogrammed!

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An aside - Colin, notice Flashbang has said that changing a loco address should have no affect on DC Running as that is controlled in CV29 (value is 4) which CV should not change when changing address. Unless of course you go from a short to long address, or vice versa, in which case 32 is added/subtracted.

However, it is not unknown for CV29 to be erroneously affected by other programming.  Therefore can I suggest you try reading CV29 before and after changing address to see if it has changed.  To turn off DC Running, it will have to have reduced by 4.

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Thanks Fishmanoz. On virtually all the locos I have changed the address on, DC does not work anymore, that is on lots of different decoders. I must admit I have not checked all of them but the few I have tried that is what seems to happen. I just assumed that was what happened, I will read out CV29 next time. Generally it is not an issue as the only time I use DC is to check out a faulty mechanism. 

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Interesting Colin.  A couple of questions:


-  how many had it turned off in the first place?  Later TTS do for a start.


-  assuming it was on in the first place, does it make any difference if you change to a short or a long address?


-  does it make any difference which of your controllers you use to do the changing?


PS.  Call me Fishy please, everyone else does.

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According to the TTS manual 2019 Britannia loco for example, it is supplied new with DC operation turned Off as CV29 is 2.   I assume this applies across the range? but I haven't looked at other TTS manuals to prove or disprove this.  Therefore altering the address number will not cause a change in CV29 value from 2. Only direct actioning of CV29 value will turn on DC operation, but then sounds will not play.


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Fishy to be quite honest I don't know. I know that occasionally the loco doesn't work on DC and then I suddenly remember that I have programmed an address into them. It is not the TTS ones, because I know that they are generally DC disabled. I am pretty sure they were Gaugemaster and DCC Concepts ones. Now I am getting near to completing my railway and starting to give all my locos different addresses (currently many are at default value of 3), I will do some more checking.

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