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Cant get locomotives to run


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Bear with me as you haven’t given much info nor any idea how skilled you are with DCC, etc


What addresses have you given the locos. Are you confident using the Elite with a programming track to readdress locos.

If you have not changed their addresses (recommended) then they are all likely still on address 3 and will both respond if commanded from that address.


Just for interest what is the revision state of your Elite - this shows on screen as you power it up.


Do your  locos run if you hold them upside down and apply a 9v battery terminals to the main driving wheels. They should run but may not if DC running has been set to off in the decoder settings (CV29 or Elite menus).

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Hi Matt, looking at your posting history, I can see that you have a number of locos and have had mixed success in getting them to run with your latest firmware Select controller going back 6 months.


Have you had more success with the Select in the meantime?  Have you been able to change any addresses from their default 03?  Have you been able to run anything with control of its speed, not just flat out or stop?  Have you had sounds working (I think I saw a TTS loco in there or am I wrong?)?


Did you start with DCC or with DC?  I'm wondering if you may be connecting your Select or Elite via a DC power track or clip?  Easy to check - flip open the little black plastic box between the rails and, if there is an electronic component connected across the rails, remove it by clipping off its legs, then try again. 

When you say nothing is running, what is the controller doing?  You say it is supplying volts to the track.  Are you sure it isn't giving you an overload reading having tripped out on a short circuit?


If you put just one loco on the track at a time, can you operate that loco from default address 03 (assuming you haven't changed it)?


As you can see, I'm jumping around a bit here.  The reason is you haven't given us much to go on.  The more you can say exactly what is happening with each of your locos, the more chance we have of figuring your problem. 

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Sorry guys for the lack of information yes you are right i dont have the experience.

This was a birthday present for a big birthday this year, but hear goes i will try and explain better i have the elite standard 1.45 this morning i put mallard with tts sound on the track and it was running and with tts sound and i have tried my other locos and they are working. The two that are not working are class 43 hst and class 56 i tried the 9 volt battery and lights come on the 43 but doesn't run the 65 lights and wheels run but when i put them on the track they dont run. I gave the class 56 an address 8 and the class 43 address 10. I hope this information might help many thanks.


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I gave the class 56 an address 8 and the class 43 address 10.


Until you actually see the locos running with those addresses. Then all you can honestly say is that you have attempted to give the locos those addresses. The attempt may have failed and those addresses have not been accepted.


As you have an Elite, have you read back the value of CV1 to confirm that those two addresses have been accepted. Read the value of CV1 and then whatever the value of CV1 reads will be the address you need to try to control them.


Alternatively, go back to basics.


Write a value of 8 to CV8 for both locos, this will reset the loco decoders back to their factory defaults and set the DCC addresses as 3. Then test the locos on 3 to ensure that they work BEFORE you try and change the addresses again.


If the 43 doesn't run with the battery, then that particular loco may need further investigation.

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Steve, Matt said in his original post all his locos are fitted with decoders (R8249).  However, worth double checking?  I say this particularly for the one that won't run with the 9V battery because, if not fitted with a decoder, the motor could well have been burnt out by putting it on the DCC track.  


Does the other one that works with 9V humm when sitting on the DCC track?  Do this test very briefly as, if not fitted with a decoder, you risk burning out the motor on this one too.  DC locos humm on DCC track even when stationary.


Matt, could you check out and answer the other questions I've asked above please.

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Hi Guys thanks  for your comnments and help i got my locos to work on the default number 3 can i now go a head and put them on the programming track and give them new addresses ? . With being new to the model railway hobby and not been able to get to any clubs due to the covid 19 i have only been watching a lot of youtube and looking at the forum to get ideas if there is anywhere else i can get any feedback can anyone point me in the right direction again many thanks guys

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....can I now go ahead and put them on the programming track and give them new addresses?


Go for it.


You can always reset them again if it doesn't work.


In Steps 8 to 11, the manual uses DCC Address 1 purely as an example. These are the steps where you would enter either the 5 or the 8 you were previously using. At this stage of learning, I would avoid trying to configure any address above 127 [above 127 are considered long addresses and there is more that can go wrong setting a 'long address'.]





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The problem with a lot of YT stuff is it is total rubbish, but you have to know about stuff before you can make that judgement, hence how does a beginner filter the wheat from the chaff - only by gaing experience. There are some very knowledgable guys out there making useful YT stuff and generally you can tell they know there stuff by their presentation skills.

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Even if a YouTube video is presenting things using a Hornby controller. The video may be old and based upon out of date firmware and software [in the case of RailMaster] thus it won't be presenting up to date valid information.


And as Rob says, the 'How To' videos I have seen specifically relating to RM, is very much the 'blind leading the blind' and haven't got a clue.

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