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Short Stirling....where?


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The kit was last released in 2013, whether or not it ever gets released again depends on how well the tooling has held up - it is, after all, 56 years old.


Since then Italeri have released two Stirling kits, one bomber and one glider tug version.

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Hi Martin

Like you I am just returning to the hobby (after at least 40 years!!) and was surprised at the number of kits which are no longer available from new - especially early jets and the almost total lack of WW1 planes.

However my stash is growing by the day thanks to fleabay - there's a Short Stirling on there at the moment and i'm sure you'll find others, and at better prices, If you persevere.

Happy hunting!

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Hi Chris


If you're looking for WW1 aircraft try Roden. They still have a big range in their on-line catalogue in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scales.The early releases usually need a fair bit of fetting, and some heavy clamping to put together, but the newer kits are much better. And you usually get several options on the decal sheet. I've made several of the 1/72 models and enjoyed all of them including the Bristol F2B fighter. Only try this one once you've got pleanty of expreiance behind you, as it includes a complete engine.


Eduard also do several WWi aircraft that are a bit more modeller freindly if you can find them. they do re-release them from time-to-time, just keep your eyes peeled.


Remember we do this for fun                                     John the Pom.

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Thanks John - good advice.


Tbh I found the Spitfire Mk1 starter kit fiddly enough and that's supposed to be an easy kit! Mind you, when i was a lad i wasn't too bothered about the end product, whereas now i'm aiming for immediate perfection which is probably not advisable! As you say .... we are supposed to be doing this for fun!


So, i'll plan to get some WW1 planes when i'm a bit more experienced i think. A disadvantage is that the 1/72 planes are tiny, but an advantage is that i don't have to debate with myself about whether i make them wheels up or down! So i might hunt down some larger scale kits.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah and the Shorts Stirling 1/72 was a good kit for its time....still quite acceptable today. To me if ever an aircraft type was crying out for some Airfix re-tool magic...it's the Halifax. Such an important aircraft but so neglected model kit wise. This is surprising considering a few surviving airframes exist. Very much like the Hurricane living in the shadow of the Spitfire...so is the Halifax and Lancaster.

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