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Locomotive CVs cannot be read

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I have a TTS sound locomotive, (R3902) and railmaster is consistently failing to read the CVs of the train. The train runs fine on the main track and I know the connection between the prog track and the E-link is fine. The track for the prog track is brand new, and so is the locomotive so they are both clean. I don't understand why it will not read the CVs.

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Can you read a completely different loco. If the answer is no or not consistently and reliably, then there is still something wrong with the connectivity between controller and loco decoder. Again if the answer is no, then there is also the possibility that the eLink 'PROG A&B' output is faulty.


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Does RM recognise the decoder as TTS or is it seeing it as an R8249, in which case it will not load the correct TTS CV set to read and hence skips them. You can double click CV 7 and pick a TTS decoder from the drop down list provided which should help.

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The locomotive runs fine on the normal track and sounds are good, I have tried programming a different loco and that didn't work either. I switched the output to main track to check the connection and it ran fine. Could it be a problem with the programming track input? Also, for clarification, I added this locomotive manually. The other loco i tried was not added manually and didn't work.

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OK you can't read a CV, but can you write one?


For example you say you have more than one loco. Have you changed their addresses from the default 03 address to something different, or are you running them all on the default 03 address?


If you have changed their addresses, then that would seem in to indicate that the eLink programming output is OK and that it might be your CV reading methodology that is wrong.


Something else that can have a bearing on CV reading / writing.


How are you physically connecting your eLink 'PROG A&B' output to your new 'Programming' track piece. If it is a Hornby Power Track or a Hornby Track Power Clip. Then these need to be DCC compatible. It won't work if you use the standard Analogue power track products which are R8206 Power Track with Buff/Pink press buttons or the R602 Power Clip.


You need to use the DCC variants R8241 or R8242.


The above also applies to the the connections that you make to your main layout track. That also needs to use DCC compatible connections.


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