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Hornby Virtual Railway 2 won't add trains - any ideas?

Guest Chrissaf

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Mod note: I did not raise this starter post. My ID tag appears against it as I performed a moderation move post task when it was originally posted on the previous old forum.

I know it's 2021 and HVR2 hasn't been supported in years. But I'm a bit weird and enjoy the challenge of this sort of thing. I found a copy on Ebay and got it to install on my Win10 Pro laptop using compatibility mode (XP Service Pack 3 for fellow geeks). Didn't use the Vista-specific patch but did innstall patch 6 & 7 and the Expension Packs.

Using Run as administrator, the configurator appears to work. I managed to build a layout like the on on the box (R1038 rescued from the loft - unused). I can build the train but when I click Add To Track, the train-build-area goes blank and nothing appears on track. I tried one of the standard layouts and the same thing happened.

Has anyone seen this and have a fix? Or am I on a hiding to nothing, should give up and try another track simulation thing? Thanks.

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I picked up a CD as part of something else I bought last year and I got it running on Win 10. 

But, i'm sorry, for the life of me I can't remember what I did :(

So it is possible.

However, it is really only useful for its Novelty Value as it lacks... well let's say the software is showing its age somewhat. I'd use the CD as a coaster and, if you want to Play Trains on your computer, buy something released a bit more recently. There's definitely current products which look quite good...

However even I can't afford to have a Computer Habit *and* a Train Habit... 

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Hi Chrissaf,

thanks for your words of advice. I did all that and read everything before posting. (I've been online since compuserve email addresses were all numeric.) And yes, I realise this is a way out-of-date product with no support.

However, I cracked it. So I post here just in case there are any other sad computer / Hornby geeks (I wonder what that Venn diagram would look like) who want to have a go.

First the install, just make sure to do it in compatibility mode in Win 10. It failed first, then offered compatibility mode so clicked that and there you go.

Second, install all the patches available on this site (full marks to Hornby for still hosting them, thank you) https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/downloads/view/index/cat/5/

Third, run the Hornby Configurator as administrator as otherwise none of the changes are saved.

Fourth, RTFM! I went back to it to see if I'd missed a step for "Build Train" and I hadn't - but what I had done was missed that the Add / Remove Train control was a toggle and not a command. So having built the train in Add Train, I then clicked Add Train and that put it into Remove Train mode. The cure for my idiocy was to stay with Add Train showing and then click on the track where I wanted the train to be added. It works.

Quite clunky but considering it was built for the days of 98/ME (yuk) / XP / 2000 it's not bad as a bit of heritage fun. Quite advanced in those days.

Still interested in what people would recommend for a design / sim. So far I've looked at recommends from this forum of SCARM and AnyRail. Seems like SCARM has a 'sim' add on but AnyRail doesn't (if I read aright).

Thanks again Chrissaf

Best, Mike

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I still use Hornby virtual railway 2. Its a pity its not supported any more, its simple to use even if its range is a bit limited. The idea is that you build your train and then click it onto the track.

This allows you to build all your trains together and put them on all the different tracks.


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