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TTS decoders - need help to start off


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Hi I am sure I have seen posts in the past about slow start off of engines fitted with TTS. I know they are designed to work up to speed but I am finding that several of my locos dont start and need a gentle helping hand and once running they are fine. This seems to be be more noticeable over the last few months, cold damp weather and layout in garage. Could it be related to lower power because of atmospheric conditions in the garage. I think also that I could set just to start off with maximum power. I am not to bothered about the slow start off so if that can be done and would help That would be fine thanks Malcolm

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"...but I am finding that several of my locos don't start and need a gentle helping hand and once running they are fine."

More likely track issues. Needs a deep clean from being in a garage which probably isn't the most optimum atmosphere for sensitive DCC.

Or if only some locos affected, then the wheels [including the pickup wiper areas] need a deep clean instead.

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TTS decoders have their accel and decel rates (CVs 3 & 4) set to value 5 as default. This allows the engine to carry out certain tasks before moving off, e.g. steam blows down the cylinders, diesel drops the air brakes.

You can adjust these values to the normal decoder default value of 5 but this will upset the TTS starting sequence.

TTS does not support CV2 (kick start) which boosts a tardy starter, so it may be you need to give your loco a service to bring it i to prime condition.

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I agree with Chrissaf from my experience TTS decoders are much more susceptible to track voltage. I have quite a number of them and I have never noticed them take a long time to start moving but I have noticed they stop on pieces of track where my Zimo decoder fitted locos have no issue. I have a couple of DCC Concepts decoders and they definitely suffer from this and the slowing down, so in those cases I suspect it is a case of CVs 3 and 4 being set.

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Thanks everyone for your responses they more or less confirm what I though I had read somewhere or other. I appreciate fully the garage and the recent climatic conditions are not the most conducive to good running. I do keep the tracks very clean but as you say you can get odd spots individual locos dont like either being just that loco or a little bit of dirt. I will do another clean and as one of the engines is new and has got a new tts decoder so I would have thought that in itself was okay. As I say once they have started off normally little problem at all. I might try resetting the CV to 5 and see if that does anything as I am not really too bothered about a realistic start off. I will sacrifice that for it starting off. I do like the sound and it is very nice for it to be real but life is a compromise.

thanks again


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