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Points and Elite


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In principle Yes. But you haven't given any indication as to what [if any] Accessory Decoder you are using. The Elite does not connect 'directly' to the points. The Elite connects to an Accessory Decoder and the Accessory Decoder connects to the point motors [solenoids if using Hornby's R8247 Accessory Decoder].

However, be aware that best results are obtained if you make a direct wired connection between the Hornby R8247 Accessory Decoder and the Elite 'PROG A&B' output as a temporary programming connection.

Again as you haven't told which Accessory Decoder [if any] you are using. Most non Hornby branded Accessory Decoders are termed 'self learning' decoders AND DO NOT get configured using the Elite 'PROG A&B' output.

So the 'bottom line' is ... tell us which Accessory Decoder you are using [or point motors if they have integrated decoders in them] and more correctly targeted 'how to' advice can be given.

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Sorry for being so vague wit the question, I have got hornby point motors and running through8247 decoders and was using a Hornby Select but moved up to the Elite, Not sure how to programme the points, Thanks in advance.

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Note that the R8247 being configured must be the ONLY device connected to the 'PROG A&B' output of the Elite. I highly recommend that this connection is made using a direct pair of temporary wires between the Elite controller 'PROG A&B' output and the R8247 being configured. The Elite does not use the 'Track' output as per the Select for R8247 programming tasks. Once the R8247 has been configured then it needs to be reconnected to the Elite 'TRACK A&B' output before it can be tested and used.

PS - A brand new R8247 from the factory 'out of the box' is factory configured to Group 1 - Ports 1 to 4 and can be tested using those addresses [1 to 4] on an Elite, before trying to change the configuration.


OK, there is still missing information that prevents me giving you a targeted 'step by step' tutorial. So what follows below is a generic guide based upon assumptions. There should be enough information in it to work out the procedure that you can adopt in your specific scenario.

Assumptions made:

1) Since your original controller was a Select, I assume that your existing points start numbering from port address 61.

2) I also assume that you currently have one R8247 Accessory Decoder and want to add a second R8247 starting at port address 65.

Note: If you are not adding any more new Accessory Decoders, then the Elite should just operate them using exactly the same addresses that have already been configured.

Now the thing to understand is that programming R8247 ports using an Elite is a completely different process to what you are used to, using the Select. With the Select you enter the port address you want to use for port 1 of the R8247 [i.e port 61 etc]. With the Elite, you don't enter a port address you enter a Group number. Note that you only configure in effect port 1 ... and ports 2 to 4 take their addresses automatically from that.

In my second image below is a blue box highlighting 'Group' number to equivalent addresses. The first image below expands upon that to give more targeted information. Although not shown in the first image, the Group numbers extend up to 63 using the same port number sequence [see blue box in second image].


Assuming your existing R8247 is configured with addresses 61 to 64, the yellow highlight shows that for an Elite, that these addresses are Group number 16.

My assumption is that you want to address a new R8247 with addresses 65 to 68 as these being the next addresses in the sequence.

I suggest using the 'Simple Addressing' process as documented in the R8247 manual [extract below in green highlight box].


When you get to 'Step 7' then for port addresses 65 to 68 you would enter the Group number 17 [see first image above].

If this does not answer your question to your satisfaction, then articulate the exact detail of what you want to achieve and I will try to give you a more specific response [or re-edit the one above].

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I have 2 decoders connected on the layout programmed as per the Select, I thought I would have to reprogramme the points. I get the impression from the comments that they should operate correctly using no's 61 to 68. is that correct or am I missing something. Apart from 8 loco's I have nothing else on.

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You can program the first R8247 to Group address 1 - port addresses 1 to 4 simply by writing value 8 to CV8 to reset it just like a loco decoder.

Again it is stressed that the acc decoder being programmed must be the only thing connected to the Elite PROG terminals.

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I get the impression from the comments that they should operate correctly using no's 61 to 68. is that correct or am I missing something.



This would normally be the case. You should be able to just call up the existing 61 to 68 point addresses and just use them via the Elite controls.

The reason I am using the words "normally" and "should" is because some users [but not all] sometimes report in posts that doing that doesn't work. Usually, because their Select controller had older firmware. So not everyone is affected. If you are affected, then the fix is to reset the Hornby R8247 Accessory Decoders to the factory default using the Elite controller as per Rob's post above [which would reset both decoders to Group 1 addresses 1 to 4] and then configure the second R8247 to use Group 2 [DCC Addresses 5 to 8].

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Can I reprogramme my points to start at Group 1 or will that conflict with their previous address



Yes if you want, any change of address will just overwrite the existing one. There should not be any conflict.

You can use any addresses you want between 001 and 252 using Group numbers. See the tables in my much earlier reply.

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