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Trying to set up handheld device

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Trying to set up handheld device when downloading app it states ‘The version of the railmaster server is incompatible with this version of railmaster handheld. You should upgrade’ but when trying to up grade from www.railmaster.com/rm_setup.exe it states

‘Unable to initiate and run the download at this time your computer firewall may be preventing this you should down load manually’ but still not downloading when firewall disable . Can anyone walk us through this


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It may be of course that you have just mistyped the URL in your question in error, but the URL you have quoted is incorrect. That may be the reason for your error message. The correct URL is:


Your question error message states and I quote "The version of the railmaster server is incompatible with this version of railmaster handheld".

This infers that the version of RailMaster that you are currently using is very old. Now if that is the case and you upgrade your RailMaster application to the current 1.74.2 version release [by clicking the link embedded in this reply], it is possible that your RailMaster installation might stop working. RailMaster settings usually need significant tweaking if upgrading from a 1.5x or 1.6x release to the latest 1.7x release to get RM working again.

Advice can be given on what tweaks need to be implemented if you experience problems after upgrade, but in order to give you that advice, we would need you to answer the following questions.

1) What version of RailMaster are you currently using?

2) What Windows operating system are you using XP, Vista, Win7, Win10 etc?

3) What controller are you using, eLink or Elite?

4) What is the firmware revision of the controller?

Note. If you are using Windows 10, Windows Security will protest and state that the file you are trying to download [or run] is not a known file or can not be trusted etc. Just cancel these protesting error messages and force the download to continue. These are 'false positive' security triggers.

If clicking the link above does indeed download the installer file. Then it is very important that you do not run the file just by double clicking it. You must 'right click' the file and choose 'Run as administrator'. You do not need to uninstall the existing RailMaster version first. RailMaster must not be running when you run the installer file.

If you still get the same error message by clicking the download link above. Please advise and I will give an alternative download link that might work instead.

Regardless of all the tips given above. You really do need to advise what your current RailMaster version is in your next reply in order to receive appropriate advice.

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Moderator message. The unnecessary re-quote of my whole reply has been snipped and the 1st try duplicate post removed. Please ignore the blue button at the bottom of the post and use the 'Reply' text box at the bottom of the page to reply. Alternatively, click the three vertical dots in the post top right corner and choose the top of the list 'Reply' option.

Thanks that was really helpful. I was initially trying to launch it via Microsoft edge which wouldn’t work so then tried google chrome and that worked.

Now been able to open app on iPad but not displaying track

just comes up with

Hornby RailMaster HandHeld 1.23 started on 3/02/2021

Executing startup procedure [1.1]

  Started device in Landscape mode (1112x722)

  Shift offset to use in portrait mode: 195

  Browser: Netscape - 5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15

  Set English language for system messages (en-gb)

  Macintosh - Unknown device specification

Set all variables and finished executing start-up [1.1]

Executing startup procedure for loco control screen [1.3]

  Set up blank track element images

  Set up loco control button labels

Finished executing startup procedure [1.3]

Loading System Settings window [1.4]

  Set all phrases for settings screen

Finished loading Systems Settings window [1.4]

Running RailMaster app module [4.1]

  Set full-screen mode

Finished running app module [4.1]

Showing startup window [1.5]

     Resizing Startup screen for 1112x722 [1.2]

checked IP address . Any advice please

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I don't use the Handheld APP myself. But in order to possibly help diagnose your issue. Please answer the following question.

Is it only the track plan that is not showing. Can you see locomotive throttles or are they missing as well. If locomotive throttles are visible, do they work, can you move locos with them.

I'm asking this question to try and understand if there is still a fundamental communication issue or is it just a display issue.

You still haven't told me what version of Windows you are using.

Also what platform is the APP on, an IOS iPad or an Android device and again what IOS or Android version are they.

Remember, this time use the 'Reply' process please NOT the 'Re-quote' one

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You say not displaying track. In landscape mode on the Ipad do you get the two train controllers on the left of the screen and a black blank area to the right. If so what version operating system are you running on the ipad.

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A screenshot of what you can see on your Handheld device [NOT YOUR RailMaster screen] would help.

Also, you still haven't told us what iPad product [model, screen size & IOS version] you are using.

You are not helping members to help you by not providing full and complete detailed information.

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  1. Have you set a fixed IP address for your windows computer.
  2. Are you positive that you are using this IP address (and not your routers address) in the settings on the IPad.
  3. Does the port number correspond to the port number setting in the RailMaster ini file. (I prefer to use a port number well away from the main stream ie 1000. The port number in the RailMaster ini file and the IPad settings must be the same.

Also on the IPad in the setting under Safari some way down the right hand side is a section for "Settings for Websites". Under this set "Request for Desktop Website" to All Websites.



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OK, I think I now understand exactly what your issue is. It looks like you haven't yet established a TCP/IP Session between the iPad and your PC on which RailMaster is installed.

Open RailMaster and look to the bottom right hand corner.

See image below.


Note the matrix of nine green boxes labelled as 'Network Device Indicators'.

Hover your mouse cursor over the #1 box highlighted in blue. When the mouse cursor is positioned correctly you should see a pop-up info box with an IP address displayed.

The IP address will take the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:YY

Provide with me with the number sequence that is displayed. Copy it exactly, if you give me the wrong number in a typing error, the next documented 'what to do' reply I give you won't work.

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