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Box fresh car dead on arrival


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Hi everyone,

Started racing on new ARC PRO GT Platinum 4 car set last saturday. Everything was running great until one of the cars began to smell like oil and got excessively hot. It then began to run slower than the other 3.

We let the car cool down over night and raced it again the next day. But, after a few laps the same car slowed down again. Now it won't move.

Our track is clean, I use Ballistol oil to wipe the track after each session and vacuum it too.

The braids look perfect aligned and theres no dust or debris in the car. The other 3 cars are working flawlessly.

Not used to this, I still have an old Ninco set up that works fine after 14 years of hammering. Love those NC5 motors.

I've contacted the shop via email and have got dialogue going. But in the meantime what should I be looking for or how do I sort this out?


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Open the car up and look inside.

Burning smells usually leave burn marks etc.

Sometimes a wire is just chaffed and can be fixed.

With digital cars there are more electrical connections and more can go wrong but a physical examination is always a good place to start.


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