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RailMaster Support [previously titled Support Site]

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I was wondering what the status of RailMaster support was in these strange times, I have had a catastrophic computer failure and had to change the motherboard on my computer, this has caused a loss of function with railmaster reverting to evaluation mode, and asking me to request that my codes are reset.

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HRMS is still operational and can either be contacted from within RM or in your case probably better to make direct contact using this address


You should send your request from the email address you used to originally register RM as this is their initial proof you are bona-fide.

Explain your basic situation about the PC failure and that you obviously could not deregister RM. Once you have entered dialogue send them your key code. They will then reset your code at their end and you can then re-enter it in RM at your end.

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It is believed that the RailMaster license key checking, logs the motherboard serial number to your RailMaster license key validation account on the HRMS servers. So if you change your motherboard, RailMaster thinks that you have now installed an already licensed copy of RM onto a second machine which would breach the license terms. This is why [if you can] you have to deregister your license on the old PC first, before transferring the SW onto a new one.

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Thanks for that Chrissaf hopefully I will get a reply from support soon, the program allowed me to fill in the form to request a reactivation of my code but when I clicked send nothing appeared to happen, I have subsequently sent and email to suppot@rail- master.com

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HRMS is still operational .........



Thanks 96RAF hopefully I will be back up and running soon, I will make sure to keep a copy of my pro number in future, I did try filling in the code reset form but I don’t think it sent so went through email I have received an email saying it has been received and will be reviewed.

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Any messages sent from within RailMaster should generate an auto-acknowledgement firstly on screen as a confirmation that the message has been sent, then within a very short timescale [measured in minutes] a further auto acknowledgement by mail.

If you don't see these 'auto acknowledgements' then suspect that your message has not got through to HRMS. The external mail route though should always work, but can be less reliable as a route to get action, as HRMS do like to see the data about the installation on your PC that the internal process adds to the internally sent message.

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